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A comparative assessment of the suitability of phosphogypsum from different origins to be utilised as the binding material of construction products
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102995
Ignacio Villalón Fornés 1 , Danutė Vaičiukynienė 1 , Dalia Nizevičienė 2 , Viktoras Doroševas 1, 3 , Bogusław Michalik 4

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product with enormous potential to be used in construction products as a binding material. However, the performed studies are often focused on narrow aspects regarding its properties, and rarely consider the big picture. Hence, a comprehensive study of the influence of the origin, the microstructure, the chemical composition, and the processing procedures (either casting or press-forming) on the radiological, physical and mechanical properties of PG specimens was performed, by carrying out a comparative analysis of the properties of three PG types from different origins. The PG from igneous phosphate ores resulted the best material from all points of view.



磷石膏 (PG) 是一种具有巨大潜力的副产品,可用作建筑产品的粘合材料。然而,所进行的研究往往集中在其属性的狭窄方面,很少考虑大局。因此,通过进行比较,对来源、微观结构、化学成分和加工程序(铸造或压制成型)对 PG 样品的放射学、物理和机械性能的影响进行了全面研究。分析来自不同来源的三种 PG 类型的特性。从所有角度来看,来自火成磷矿石的 PG 是最好的材料。
