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Investigation of nonisothermal fusion bonding for extrusion additive manufacturing of large structural parts
Polymer Composites ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1002/pc.26216
Nevine Tagscherer 1, 2 , Patrick Consul 1 , Ingo Leonard Kottenstedde 2, 3 , Houyem Latiri 1 , Swen Zaremba 1 , Klaus Drechsler 1

Fusion bonding is understood to be the decisive mechanism for the interlayer strength in extrusion additive manufacturing. This study links the characteristic temperatures of semicrystalline thermoplastics, namely, PA6 with 40% carbon fibers, to the bond formation in respect to real-world processing conditions. Based on theoretical investigations, a process window is proposed for bonding to occur without polymer degradation. This range from the glass transition to the initial degradation temperature was determined through differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. A second process window for optimal bonding is proposed from the extrapolated onset crystallization temperature, urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0001, to the melt temperature, urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0002. The validation of these process windows was conducted by bending tests according to DIN EN 178. urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0003 was confirmed as the upper limit, with the part's geometric integrity compromised at higher temperatures. urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0004 had to be refuted as lower limit as no discrete reduction in bond strength was determined in alignment with urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0005. Authors suggest the lower limit is defined by the lowest substrate temperature to lead to interface temperatures above the onset of melt temperature. By utilizing thermal analyses, less time and resources are required to detemine a suitable process window for extrusion additive manufacturing.



熔合被认为是挤出增材制造中层间强度的决定性机制。该研究将半结晶热塑性塑料(即含有 40% 碳纤维的 PA6)的特征温度与实际加工条件下的粘合形成联系起来。基于理论研究,提出了一种工艺窗口,用于在不发生聚合物降解的情况下进行键合。从玻璃化转变温度到初始降解温度的这个范围是通过差示扫描量热法和热重分析确定的。提出了从外推起始结晶温度urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0001到熔融温度的第二个最佳键合工艺窗口,urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0002. 这些工艺窗口的验证是根据 DIN EN 178 通过弯曲测试进行的。urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0003被确认为上限,零件的几何完整性在更高的温度下会受到影响。urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0004必须被反驳为下限,因为与 一致没有确定粘合强度的离散降低urn:x-wiley:02728397:media:pc26216:pc26216-math-0005。作者建议下限由最低基板温度定义,以导致界面温度高于开始熔化温度。通过利用热分析,确定适合挤出增材制造的工艺窗口所需的时间和资源更少。