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The Room Temperature Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate: Electrochemical Couples and Physical Properties
Journal of The Electrochemical Society ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 1997-11-01 , DOI: 10.1149/1.1838106
Joan Fuller 1 , Richard T. Carlin 1 , Robert A. Osteryoung 1

Room temperature molten salts composed of the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation and a chloroaluminate anion have received much attention for use in a variety of commercial applications such as batteries, photovoltaics, metal deposition, and capacitors. The room temperature ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EMIBF{sub 4}) was demonstrated as a versatile electrolyte by examining three representative electrochemical couples: ferrocene and tetrathiafulvalene oxidations and lithium ion reduction. Square-wave voltammetric data for ferrocene oxidation were fit to a reversible one-electron process using the COOL algorithm to give a half-wave potential of 0.490 V vs. Al/Al(III) and a diffusion coefficient of 5.1 {times} 10{sup {minus}7} cm{sup 2}/s. The two-electron oxidation of tetrathiafulvalene was reversible and proceeded through two consecutive one-electron steps; although data collected at lower square-wave frequencies indicated a slow precipitation of the TTF{sup +} species. Lithium ion was reduced to lithium metal at a Pt electrode following the addition of water to the EMIBF{sub 4} electrolyte, whereas lithium ion reduction at an Al wire produced the {beta}-LiAl alloy. Conductivities and kinematic viscosities of EMIBF{sub 4} were measured from 20 to 100 C and had values of 14 mS/cm and 0.275 cm{sup 2}/s, respectively, at 25 C.


室温离子液体 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate:电化学偶合和物理性质

由 1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑鎓阳离子和氯铝酸盐阴离子组成的室温熔融盐在各种商业应用中受到了广泛关注,例如电池、光伏、金属沉积和电容器。室温离子液体 1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐 (EMIBF{sub 4}) 被证明是一种多功能电解质,通过检查三个代表性的电化学对:二茂铁和四硫富瓦烯氧化和锂离子还原。二茂铁氧化的方波伏安数据适合使用 COOL 算法的可逆单电子过程,以提供 0.490 V vs. Al/Al(III) 的半波电位和 5.1 {times} 10{ sup {减}7} cm{sup 2}/s。四硫富瓦烯的双电子氧化是可逆的,并通过两个连续的单电子步骤进行;尽管在较低方波频率下收集的数据表明 TTF{sup +} 物种的降水缓慢。在向 EMIBF{sub 4} 电解质中添加水后,锂离子在 Pt 电极处被还原为锂金属,而在铝线处的锂离子还原生成了 {β}-LiAl 合金。EMIBF{sub 4} 的电导率和运动粘度在 20 到 100 C 下测量,在 25 C 下分别具有 14 mS/cm 和 0.275 cm{sup 2}/s 的值。在向 EMIBF{sub 4} 电解质中添加水后,锂离子在 Pt 电极处被还原为锂金属,而在铝线处的锂离子还原生成了 {β}-LiAl 合金。EMIBF{sub 4} 的电导率和运动粘度在 20 到 100 C 下测量,在 25 C 下分别具有 14 mS/cm 和 0.275 cm{sup 2}/s 的值。在将水添加到 EMIBF{sub 4} 电解质后,锂离子在 Pt 电极处被还原为锂金属,而在铝线处的锂离子还原生成了 {β}-LiAl 合金。EMIBF{sub 4} 的电导率和运动粘度在 20 到 100 C 下测量,在 25 C 下分别具有 14 mS/cm 和 0.275 cm{sup 2}/s 的值。