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Dependence of mechanoluminescence in rochelle-salt crystals on the charge-produced during their fracture
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 1978-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(78)90107-5
B.P. Chandra , K.K. Shrivastava

Abstract The dependence of mechanoluminescence in rochelle-salt crystals on the charge-produced during their fracture is found to be linear up to the applied stress of 344 kg/cm2. This fact is discussed on the basis of the instability of cracks in a crystal and it is concluded that the new surfaces created by mobile cracks are responsible for the appearance of mechanoluminescence in rochelle-salt crystals.



摘要 罗谢尔盐晶体中的机械发光与其断裂过程中产生的电荷的相关性在高达 344 kg/cm2 的外加应力下呈线性关系。这个事实是根据晶体中裂纹的不稳定性进行讨论的,并得出结论,由移动裂纹产生的新表面是罗谢尔盐晶体中机械发光出现的原因。