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Securing Peer-Assisted Indoor Localization Leveraging Acoustic Ranging
Computers & Security ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2018.10.010
Shaoyong Du , Jingyu Hua , Sheng Zhong

Abstract Peer-assisted indoor localization leverages the pairwise acoustic ranging among the nearby peer phones to refine the location estimation of WiFi-based indoor localization. This technique significantly pushes the localization accuracy, but when it is applied, it will suffer from various attacks from both inside (i.e., the dishonest peers involved) and outside. The dishonest peers may violate the server’s schedule to emit their ranging signals or manipulate their recorded audio data, both of which can impact the distance measurements. The outside attackers may continually broadcast the interference signals to influence the signal detection in the acoustic ranging. All these attacks can have a great impact on the final location estimation. In this paper, we propose the defenses against these attacks. We first propose an algorithm to identify the honest peers in current localization by searching for devices that can be embedded into the same plane according to distance measurements among them. To defend against the intentional interference of outside attackers, we design a robust acoustic ranging method that exploits signal modulation. Experimental results demonstrate that our countermeasures can greatly improve the robustness of peer-assisted localization.



摘要 对等辅助室内定位利用附近对等电话之间的成对声学测距来改进基于 WiFi 的室内定位的位置估计。该技术显着提高了定位精度,但在应用时,它会遭受来自内部(即所涉及的不诚实同行)和外部的各种攻击。不诚实的对等方可能会违反服务器的时间表来发出他们的测距信号或操纵他们记录的音频数据,这两者都会影响距离测量。外部攻击者可能会不断地广播干扰信号,从而影响声学测距中的信号检测。所有这些攻击都会对最终的位置估计产生很大的影响。在本文中,我们提出了针对这些攻击的防御措施。我们首先提出了一种算法,通过根据它们之间的距离测量搜索可以嵌入同一平面的设备来识别当前定位中的诚实对等点。为了抵御外部攻击者的故意干扰,我们设计了一种利用信号调制的强大的声学测距方法。实验结果表明,我们的对策可以大大提高对等辅助定位的鲁棒性。