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Speciation, transportation, and pathways of cadmium in soil-rice systems: A review on the environmental implications and remediation approaches for food safety
Environment International ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106749
Zhanming Li 1 , Yi Liang 2 , Hangwei Hu 3 , Sabry M Shaheen 4 , Huan Zhong 5 , Filip M G Tack 6 , Mengjie Wu 5 , Yu-Feng Li 7 , Yuxi Gao 7 , Jörg Rinklebe 8 , Jiating Zhao 7

Cadmium (Cd) contamination in paddy fields is a serious health concern because of its high toxicity and widespread pollution. Recently, much progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms involved in Cd uptake, transport, and transformation from paddy soils to rice grains, aiming to mitigate the associated health risk; however, these topics have not been critically reviewed to date. Here, we summarized and reviewed the (1) geochemical distribution and speciation of Cd in soil-rice systems, (2) mobilization, uptake, and transport of Cd from soil to rice grains and the associated health risks, (3) pathways and transformation mechanisms of Cd from soil to rice grains, (4) transporters involved in reducing Cd uptake, transport, and accumulation in rice plants, (5) factors governing Cd bioavailability in paddy, and (6) comparison of remediation approaches for mitigating the environmental and health risks of Cd contamination in paddy fields. Briefly, this review presents the state of the art about the fate of Cd in paddy fields and its transport from soil to grains, contributing to a better understanding of the environmental hazards of Cd in rice ecosystems. Challenges and perspectives for controlling Cd risks in rice are thus raised. The summarized findings in this review may help to develop innovative and applicable methods for controlling Cd accumulation in rice grains and sustainably manage Cd-contaminated paddy fields.



稻田中的镉 (Cd) 污染是一个严重的健康问题,因为它具有高毒性和广泛的污染。最近,在阐明镉从稻田吸收、运输和转化为稻米的机制方面取得了很大进展,旨在减轻相关的健康风险;然而,这些主题迄今尚未经过严格审查。在这里,我们总结和回顾了 (1) 土壤-水稻系统中 Cd 的地球化学分布和物种形成,(2) Cd 从土壤到稻米的动员、吸收和运输以及相关的健康风险,(3) 途径和转化Cd 从土壤到水稻籽粒的机制,(4) 参与减少水稻对 Cd 吸收、运输和积累的转运蛋白,(5) 水稻中 Cd 生物利用度的控制因素,(6) 缓解稻田镉污染环境和健康风险的修复方法比较。简而言之,这篇综述介绍了关于镉在稻田中的归宿及其从土壤到谷物的运输的最新技术,有助于更好地了解水稻生态系统中镉的环境危害。因此提出了控制水稻中镉风险的挑战和前景。本综述中总结的发现可能有助于开发创新和适用的方法来控制稻谷中镉的积累和可持续管理受镉污染的稻田。有助于更好地了解 Cd 在水稻生态系统中的环境危害。因此提出了控制水稻中镉风险的挑战和前景。本综述中总结的发现可能有助于开发创新和适用的方法来控制稻谷中镉的积累和可持续管理受镉污染的稻田。有助于更好地了解 Cd 在水稻生态系统中的环境危害。因此提出了控制水稻中镉风险的挑战和前景。本综述中总结的发现可能有助于开发创新和适用的方法来控制稻谷中镉的积累和可持续管理受镉污染的稻田。
