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Disruption and Design: Crowdmapping Young Women’s Experience in Cities
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2020.133
Sophie Tanner , Nicole Kalms , Hayley Cull , Gill Matthewson , Anthony Aisenberg

The history of women’s exclusion and invisibility in cities is well charted, yet young women’s experience of sexual harassment and assault has been difficult to quantify. This article discusses the Free to Be project initiated by Plan International in 2018. In partnership with Monash University’s XYX Lab and CrowdSpot, the crowdmapping web app enabled young women in Delhi, Kampala, Lima, Madrid, and Sydney to identify and share their experiences of public spaces. It is believed to be the most ambitious global crowdsourced data collection project on street harassment ever undertaken. By using coding and visual data techniques, the data demonstrated the scale of the problem and the urgent need for city-level decision makers, as well as other members of society, to take action. This article outlines the findings from Free to Be, and explores the ways data and activism led by girls and young women are a powerful method for creating change.



女性在城市中被排斥和被忽视的历史很清楚,但年轻女性遭受性骚扰和性侵犯的经历却难以量化。本文讨论了 Plan International 于 2018 年发起的 Free to Be 项目。 通过与莫纳什大学的 XYX 实验室和 CrowdSpot 合作,crowdmapping 网络应用程序使德里、坎帕拉、利马、马德里和悉尼的年轻女性能够识别和分享她们的经验公共空间。它被认为是有史以来最雄心勃勃的关于街头骚扰的全球众包数据收集项目。通过使用编码和可视化数据技术,数据展示了问题的规模以及城市决策者以及社会其他成员采取行动的迫切需要。本文概述了 Free to Be 的发现,