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‘Me Too’ and the ‘List’ – Power Dynamics, Shame, and Accountability in Indian Academia
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2020.130
Adrija Dey

In October 2017, Raya Sarkar, a law student of Indian descent, posted a crowdsourced list on Facebook of male academics who allegedly harassed women. India’s academic world splintered and the #MeToo movement became a student movement emerging from campuses resisting a culture of widespread sexism, abuse, and violence which is rife in Indian academia. Some academics criticised the List for leaving out the names of accusers and specific details of the alleged incidents, raising questions about anonymity and accountability. However, the List also received extensive support as for decades survivors have tried unsuccessfully to get justice through the system following informal and formal complaint mechanisms, and it became a manifestation of years of frustration against institutions. Keeping the List at its core, this article explores ideas of due process, the need for intersectional approaches to fight sexual and gender-based violence in academia, and finally the ideas of institutional accountability.



2017 年 10 月,印度裔法学院学生拉雅·萨卡 (Raya Sarkar) 在 Facebook 上发布了一份众包名单,其中列出了涉嫌骚扰女性的男性学者。印度的学术界分裂了,#MeToo 运动成为校园中兴起的一场学生运动,抵制普遍存在于印度学术界的性别歧视、虐待和暴力文化。一些学者批评这份名单遗漏了指控者的姓名和所指控事件的具体细节,引发了对匿名性和问责制的质疑。然而,该名单也得到了广泛的支持,因为几十年来,幸存者试图通过非正式和正式的投诉机制通过系统伸张正义,但未能成功,这成为多年来对机构挫折的表现。以清单为核心,