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Multilevel Responses to Sexual Violence in Schools in West Africa
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2020.131
Jordan J. Steiner , Anne M. Spear

With growing recognition of sexual and gender‑based violence (SGBV) occurring in schools, the governments of Burkina Faso and Benin, partnered with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), have attempted to implement systems of response within the school environment. This empirical study applied the socioecological framework to highlight the intersecting relationship of multiple contexts within society including the interpersonal, family, community, school, and national identities. The findings revealed inadequacies and possibilities for holistic action and accountability in both countries. Data were analysed from qualitative interviews with Beninese and Burkinabe government ministries, international and local NGOs, and community organisations. Barriers exposed complex difficulties in holding perpetrators accountable and sustainably moving towards collective action as a result of entrenched gender dynamics and social norms. However, there are pockets of action to protect victims and hold perpetrators responsible through considering communitarian ideals in addition to official policies. This study offers insight into two nations struggling to develop contextual responses of possibility.



随着人们越来越认识到学校中发生的性暴力和性别暴力 (SGBV),布基纳法索和贝宁政府与非政府组织 (NGO) 合作,尝试在学校环境中实施应对系统。这项实证研究应用社会生态学框架来强调社会中包括人际、家庭、社区、学校和国家身份在内的多种语境的交叉关系。调查结果揭示了两国在整体行动和问责方面的不足和可能性。数据分析来自对贝宁和布基纳法索政府部委、国际和当地非政府组织以及社区组织的定性访谈。由于根深蒂固的性别动态和社会规范,障碍暴露了在追究肇事者责任和可持续地采取集体行动方面的复杂困难。然而,除了官方政策外,还有一些行动可以通过考虑社区理想来保护受害者并追究肇事者的责任。这项研究提供了对努力发展可能性的上下文反应的两个国家的见解。