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A prion-like protein regulator of seed germination undergoes hydration-dependent phase separation
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.009
Yanniv Dorone 1 , Steven Boeynaems 2 , Eduardo Flores 3 , Benjamin Jin 4 , Shannon Hateley 4 , Flavia Bossi 4 , Elena Lazarus 4 , Janice G Pennington 5 , Emiel Michiels 6 , Mathias De Decker 7 , Katlijn Vints 8 , Pieter Baatsen 8 , George W Bassel 9 , Marisa S Otegui 10 , Alex S Holehouse 11 , Moises Exposito-Alonso 1 , Shahar Sukenik 3 , Aaron D Gitler 2 , Seung Y Rhee 4

Many organisms evolved strategies to survive desiccation. Plant seeds protect dehydrated embryos from various stressors and can lay dormant for millennia. Hydration is the key trigger to initiate germination, but the mechanism by which seeds sense water remains unresolved. We identified an uncharacterized Arabidopsis thaliana prion-like protein we named FLOE1, which phase separates upon hydration and allows the embryo to sense water stress. We demonstrate that biophysical states of FLOE1 condensates modulate its biological function in vivo in suppressing seed germination under unfavorable environments. We find intragenic, intraspecific, and interspecific natural variation in FLOE1 expression and phase separation and show that intragenic variation is associated with adaptive germination strategies in natural populations. This combination of molecular, organismal, and ecological studies uncovers FLOE1 as a tunable environmental sensor with direct implications for the design of drought-resistant crops, in the face of climate change.



许多生物体进化出了在干燥条件下生存的策略。植物种子可以保护脱水的胚胎免受各种压力,并且可以休眠数千年。水合作用是启动发芽的关键触发因素,但种子感知水的机制仍未解决。我们发现了一种未表征的拟南芥朊病毒样蛋白,我们将其命名为 FLOE1,它在水合时发生相分离,并使胚胎能够感知水胁迫。我们证明 FLOE1 缩合物的生物物理状态可调节其在不利环境下抑制种子萌发的体内生物学功能。我们发现 FLOE1 表达和相分离存在基因内、种内和种间自然变异,并表明基因内变异与自然群体中的适应性发芽策略相关。分子、有机和生态研究的结合揭示了 FLOE1 作为一种可调环境传感器,对面对气候变化的抗旱作物的设计具有直接影响。
