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Writing from Multiple Source Texts: SRSD for Fifth Grade Learners in Inclusive Settings
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12257
Erin R. FitzPatrick 1 , Debra McKeown 2

Writing is an essential academic skill that proves challenging for many learners both with and without diagnosed learning disabilities. In this multiple probe across participants study, a fifth-grade special educator in an inclusive setting implemented Self-regulated Strategy Development for the informational genre. Eight Black students participated—five had IEPs, three were referred by teachers. Research questions explored fidelity of SRSD instruction following practice-based professional development; social validity; and the impact on writing outcomes including genre elements, length, holistic quality, strategy use, and academic vocabulary. The teacher implemented SRSD with high fidelity. All writing outcomes increased following intervention. Instances of copying text directly from sources decreased. Both teacher and students rated SRSD high on measures of social validity.


从多个源文本写作:包容性环境中五年级学习者的 SRSD

写作是一项基本的学术技能,对许多有或没有诊断出学习障碍的学习者来说都是一项挑战。在这项跨参与者研究的多重探索中,一名在包容性环境中的五年级特殊教育工作者实施了针对信息类型的自我调节策略开发。八名黑人学生参加了——五人有 IEP,三人是老师推荐的。研究问题探讨了基于实践的专业发展后 SRSD 教学的保真度;社会有效性;以及对写作结果的影响,包括体裁元素、长度、整体质量、策略使用和学术词汇。老师高保真地实施了SRSD。干预后所有写作结果都增加了。直接从来源复制文本的实例减少了。