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Changes in description naming for common and proper nouns after left anterior temporal lobectomy
Epilepsy & Behavior ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.106912
Sara J. Swanson , Lisa L. Conant , Colin J. Humphries , Megan LeDoux , Manoj Raghavan , Wade M. Mueller , Linda Allen , William L. Gross , Christopher T. Anderson , Chad E. Carlson , Robyn M. Busch , Mark Lowe , Madalina E. Tivarus , Daniel L. Drane , David W. Loring , Monica Jacobs , Victoria L. Morgan , Jerzy Szaflarski , Leonardo Bonilha , Susan Bookheimer , Thomas Grabowski , Vaishali Phatak , Jennifer Vannest , Jeffrey R. Binder

Numerous studies have shown that surgical resection of the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is associated with a decline in object naming ability (Hermann et al., 1999). In contrast, few studies have examined the effects of left ATL surgery on auditory description naming (ADN) or category-specific naming. Compared with object naming, which loads heavily on visual recognition processes, ADN provides a more specific measure of concept retrieval. The present study examined ADN declines in a large group of patients who were tested before and after left ATL surgery, using a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial manipulation of uniqueness (common vs. proper nouns), taxonomic category (living vs. nonliving things), and time (pre- vs. postsurgery). Significant declines occurred across all categories but were substantially larger for proper living (PL) concepts, i.e., famous individuals. The disproportionate decline in PL noun naming relative to other conditions is consistent with the notion that the left ATL is specialized not only for retrieval of unique entity concepts, but also plays a role in processing social concepts and person-specific features.



大量研究表明,左前颞叶 (ATL) 的手术切除与对象命名能力的下降有关 (Hermann et al., 1999)。相比之下,很少有研究检查左侧 ATL 手术对听觉描述命名 (ADN) 或特定类别命名的影响。与重载视觉识别过程的对象命名相比,ADN 提供了更具体的概念检索措施。本研究使用 2 × 2 × 2 的独特性(普通名词与专有名词)、分类学类别(生物与非生物)的因子操作,检查了在左 ATL 手术前后接受测试的一大组患者的 ADN 下降,和时间(手术前与手术后)。所有类别都出现了显着下降,但适当生活 (PL) 概念的下降幅度要大得多,即,名人。PL 名词命名相对于其他条件的不成比例下降与左 ATL 不仅专门用于检索独特的实体概念,而且在处理社会概念和个人特定特征方面也发挥作用的观点是一致的。