Review of Educational Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.3102/00346543211019122 Carrie A. Bredow 1 , Patricia V. Roehling 1 , Alexandra J. Knorp 1 , Andrea M. Sweet 1
Although flipped classroom pedagogies have been widely touted for their ability to foster diverse 21st-century learning objectives, previous syntheses of flipped learning have focused almost exclusively on outcomes related to academic achievement. Using data from 317 studies, our research addresses this deficit by providing a comprehensive meta-analysis of the effects of flipped versus lecture-based learning on academic, intra-/interpersonal, and satisfaction-related outcomes in higher education. Overall, flipped classroom interventions produced positive gains across all three learning domains, and we found significant advantages of flipped over lecture-based instruction for seven out of eight outcomes (gs = 0.20–0.53). At the same time, there was substantial heterogeneity in flipped learning effects, and we identified several variables that influenced the relative efficacy of flipped versus traditional courses. Of the three types of moderators examined (contextual, design-based, and methodological), educational context (e.g., discipline, location) accounted for the most variability in flipped learning outcomes.

尽管翻转课堂教学法因其培养多样化 21 世纪学习目标的能力而受到广泛吹捧,但之前的翻转学习综合几乎只关注与学业成就相关的成果。使用来自 317 项研究的数据,我们的研究通过对翻转学习与基于讲座的学习对高等教育中的学术、内部/人际关系和满意度相关结果的影响进行综合元分析来解决这一缺陷。总体而言,翻转课堂干预在所有三个学习领域都产生了积极的收益,我们发现翻转课堂教学在八分之七的结果(gs = 0.20–0.53)。同时,翻转学习效果存在很大的异质性,我们确定了几个影响翻转课程与传统课程相对效果的变量。在所检查的三种类型的调节器(上下文、基于设计和方法论)中,教育背景(例如,学科、地点)在翻转学习结果中的可变性最大。