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Be different to be better: the effect of personality on optimal foraging with incomplete knowledge
Theoretical Ecology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12080-021-00517-7
Poppy M. Jeffries , Samantha C. Patrick , Jonathan R. Potts

Many animal populations include a diversity of personalities, and these personalities are often linked to foraging strategy. However, it is not always clear why populations should evolve to have this diversity. Indeed, optimal foraging theory typically seeks out a single optimal strategy for individuals in a population. So why do we, in fact, see a variety of strategies existing in a single population? Here, we aim to provide insight into this conundrum by modelling the particular case of foraging seabirds, that forage on patchy prey. These seabirds have only partial knowledge of their environment: they do not know exactly where the next patch will emerge, but they may have some understanding of which locations are more likely to lead to patch emergence than others. Many existing optimal foraging studies assume either complete knowledge (e.g. Marginal Value Theorem) or no knowledge (e.g. Lévy Flight Hypothesis), but here we construct a new modelling approach which incorporates partial knowledge. In our model, different foraging strategies are favoured by different birds along the bold-shy personality continuum, so we can assess the optimality of a personality type. We show that it is optimal to be shy (resp. bold) when living in a population of bold (resp. shy) birds. This observation gives a plausible mechanism behind the emergence of diverse personalities. We also show that environmental degradation is likely to favour shyer birds and cause a decrease in diversity of personality over time.



许多动物种群包括多种个性,而这些个性通常与觅食策略有关。然而,为什么种群应该进化到具有这种多样性并不总是很清楚。事实上,最优觅食理论通常为种群中的个体寻找单一的最优策略。那么,事实上,为什么我们会看到一个群体中存在多种策略呢?在这里,我们的目标是通过模拟觅食海鸟的特殊情况来深入了解这个难题,海鸟在斑驳的猎物上觅食。这些海鸟对它们的环境只有部分了解:它们不知道下一个斑块将在哪里出现,但它们可能对哪些位置比其他位置更有可能导致斑块出现有所了解。许多现有的最佳觅食研究假设要么是完整的知识(例如 边值定理)或没有知识(例如 Lévy Flight Hypothesis),但在这里我们构建了一种新的建模方法,它结合了部分知识。在我们的模型中,不同的鸟类在大胆害羞的性格连续体中偏爱不同的觅食策略,因此我们可以评估性格类型的最优性。我们表明,当生活在一群大胆(或害羞)的鸟类中时,害羞(或大胆)是最佳选择。这一观察结果为不同个性的出现提供了一个看似合理的机制。我们还表明,环境退化可能有利于害羞的鸟类,并随着时间的推移导致个性多样性的减少。沿着大胆-害羞的性格连续体,不同的鸟类喜欢不同的觅食策略,因此我们可以评估性格类型的最优性。我们表明,当生活在一群大胆(或害羞)的鸟类中时,害羞(或大胆)是最佳选择。这一观察结果为不同个性的出现提供了一个看似合理的机制。我们还表明,环境退化可能有利于害羞的鸟类,并随着时间的推移导致个性多样性的减少。沿着大胆-害羞的性格连续体,不同的鸟类喜欢不同的觅食策略,因此我们可以评估性格类型的最优性。我们表明,当生活在一群大胆(或害羞)的鸟类中时,害羞(或大胆)是最佳选择。这一观察结果为不同个性的出现提供了一个看似合理的机制。我们还表明,环境退化可能有利于害羞的鸟类,并随着时间的推移导致个性多样性的减少。
