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Improving the Reading Comprehension Skills of Systems-Involved Youth: A Preliminary Investigation of an Underserved Population
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12254
Sara Sanders 1 , Kristine Jolivette 1 , Cody Harris 2

This study investigated the effect of the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) instructional approach on the reading comprehension of systems-involved youth served in a secure juvenile justice setting. Using a cluster randomized controlled trial (CRT) pretest/posttest design, youth in the treatment group were taught the TRAP mnemonic (Think before reading, Read the paragraph, Ask yourself what the paragraph is mostly about and what is the most important information, and Paraphrase the paragraph). Results indicate modest improvement within the treatment group as compared to the control group, along with high treatment fidelity and social validity. Implications for practitioners, limitations, and suggestions for future research are presented.



本研究调查了自我调节策略发展 (SRSD) 教学方法对在安全的少年司法环境中服务的涉及系统的青少年阅读理解的影响。使用集群随机对照试验 (CRT) 前测/后测设计,治疗组的青少年被教授 TRAP 助记符(阅读前先思考,阅读段落,问问自己段落主要是关于什么以及最重要的信息是什么,以及转述段落)。结果表明,与对照组相比,治疗组内有适度的改善,同时具有较高的治疗保真度和社会效度。介绍了对从业者的影响、局限性和对未来研究的建议。