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Interface Carriers and Enhanced Electron-Phonon Coupling Effect in Al2O3/TiO2 Heterostructure Revealed by Resonant Inelastic Soft X-Ray Scattering
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202104430
Yu‐Cheng Shao 1 , Cheng‐Tai Kuo 2 , Xuefei Feng 1 , Yi‐De Chuang 1 , Tae Jun Seok 3, 4 , Ji Hyeon Choi 3, 4 , Tae Joo Park 3, 4 , Deok‐Yong Cho 5

The electronic structure and the electron-phonon couplings in a novel mass-production-compatible Al2O3/TiO2 2D electron system (2DES) are investigated using resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering. The experimental data from the samples of various TiO2 thicknesses unequivocally show that the Ti3+ state indeed exists at the deep interface to serve as an n-type dopant for the 2DES. The electronic structure of Ti3+ species is scrutinized as entirely separated from that of the Ti4+ host lattice. Furthermore, features of sub-eV energy loss phonon modes are clearly observed, indicating substantial electron-phonon coupling effects. Such low energy loss features are enhanced in thinner TiO2 samples, implying that polaronic local lattice deformation is enhanced due to the presence of Ti3+. These findings suggest that the 2DES properties can be controlled via well-established TiO2 engineering, thereby enthroning the binary oxide heterostructure as a promising candidate for 2DES device applications.


共振非弹性软 X 射线散射揭示 Al2O3/TiO2 异质结构中的界面载流子和增强的电子-声子耦合效应

使用共振非弹性软 X 射线散射研究了新型可大规模生产的 Al 2 O 3 /TiO 2 2D 电子系统 (2DES) 中的电子结构和电子-声子耦合。来自不同 TiO 2厚度样品的实验数据明确表明 Ti 3+状态确实存在于深界面,作为2DES的n型掺杂剂。Ti 3+物种的电子结构被仔细检查为完全与 Ti 4+的电子结构分开主晶格。此外,可以清楚地观察到亚 eV 能量损失声子模式的特征,表明存在显着的电子 - 声子耦合效应。这种低能量损失特征在较薄的 TiO 2样品中得到增强,这意味着由于 Ti 3+的存在,极化子局部晶格变形得到增强。这些发现表明 2DES 特性可以通过成熟的 TiO 2工程来控制,从而使二元氧化物异质结构成为 2DES 器件应用的有希望的候选者。