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Revisiting the polyvinylidene fluoride heterogeneous alkaline reaction mechanism in propan-2-ol: An additional hydrogenation step
European Polymer Journal ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2021.110605
Mohamed Magdi Ahmed , Jakub Hrůza , Martin Stuchlík , Vojtěch Antoš , Jana Müllerová , Michal Řezanka

The reaction between polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanofibers and sodium hydroxide in the presence of propan-2-ol (IPA) as phase transfer catalyst (PTC) was studied. In this work, we propose a new reaction mechanism for the formation of the conjugate structure. FTIR and Raman spectra were analyzed with a focus on symmetry basics, which subsequently lead to a clear structure determination and imply that there is in fact an additional hydrogenation step to the dehydrofluorination mechanism previously reported. Sodium isopropylalcoholate catalyzes the Csp2single bondF bond cleavage in a transfer hydrogenation step and results in the formation of Csp2single bondH bond, a mechanism supported by the presence of acetone. These findings are of particular importance to PVDF alkaline reaction, it indicates that the use of IPA as PTC alter the reaction mechanism.



研究了聚偏二氟乙烯 (PVDF) 纳米纤维与氢氧化钠在丙二醇 (IPA) 作为相转移催化剂 (PTC) 存在下的反应。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种形成共轭结构的新反应机制。FTIR 和拉曼光谱的分析重点是对称基础,这随后导致清晰的结构确定,并暗示实际上在先前报道的脱氟化氢机理之外还有一个额外的氢化步骤。异丙醇钠在转移氢化步骤中催化 C sp2单键 F 键断裂并导致 C sp2的形成单键H 键,丙酮存在支持的机制。这些发现对 PVDF 碱性反应特别重要,表明 IPA 用作 PTC 改变了反应机理。
