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Imported Fire Ant Toxic Bait Studies: Evaluation of Toxicants
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 1964-12-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/57.6.941
C. E. Stringer , C. S. Lofgren , F. J. Bartlett

Test methods were developed by which it is possible to evaluate quickly large numbers of chemicals for their potential as delayed-action ant bait toxicants. From these tests it has been determined that an effective toxicant must exhibit delayed action over a wide dosage range (preferably 100-fold or greater, be readily transferred from one ant to another and not be repellent to the ants when incorporated in a bait. Laboratory and field test data with 4 toxicants are presented. Mirex was the only toxicant which fulfilled these requirements. Kepone® (decachloroctahydro-1,3,4 -metheno-2 H -cyclobuta[ cd ] pentalen -2 -one and HRS-1243 (1, la,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-decachloro-2-(2,3-dehydroxypropoxy) octahydro -1,3,4- metheno-2 H -cyclobuta [ cd ] pentalen-2-ol) were the next most effective toxicants.



开发了测试方法,通过这些方法可以快速评估大量化学品作为延迟作用蚂蚁诱饵毒物的潜力。从这些测试中已经确定,有效的毒药必须在很宽的剂量范围内表现出延迟作用(最好是 100 倍或更大,可以很容易地从一只蚂蚁转移到另一只蚂蚁,并且当掺入诱饵中时不会被蚂蚁排斥。实验室)提供了 4 种毒物的现场试验数据。灭蚁灵是唯一满足这些要求的毒物。Kepone® (decachloroctahydro-1,3,4 -metheno-2 H -cyclobuta[ cd ] pentalen -2 -one 和 HRS-1243 ( 1, la,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-decachloro-2-(2,3-dehydroxypropoxy)八氢-1,3,4-metheno-2H-cyclobuta [cd]pentalen- 2-ol) 是下一个最有效的毒物。