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A palladium-catalyzed approach to allenic aromatic ethers and first total synthesis of terricollene A
Chemical Science ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-6-9 , DOI: 10.1039/d1sc01896e
Chaofan Huang 1 , Fuchun Shi 2 , Yifan Cui 2 , Can Li 2 , Jie Lin 1 , Qi Liu 1 , Anni Qin 1 , Huanan Wang 1 , Guolin Wu 1 , Penglin Wu 1 , Junzhe Xiao 2 , Haibo Xu 2 , Yuan Yuan 1 , Yizhan Zhai 2 , Wei-Feng Zheng 1 , Yangguangyan Zheng 1 , Biao Yu 2 , Shengming Ma 1, 2

A palladium-catalyzed C–O bond formation reaction between phenols and allenylic carbonates to give 2,3-allenic aromatic ethers with decent to excellent yields under mild reaction conditions has been described. A variety of synthetically useful functional groups are tolerated and the synthetic utility of this method has been demonstrated through a series of transformations of the allene moiety. By applying this reaction as the key step, the total syntheses of naturally occurring allenic aromatic ethers, eucalyptene and terricollene A (first synthesis; 4.5 g gram scale), have been accomplished.


钯催化制备联二烯芳香醚的方法和首次全合成三烯 A

描述了在温和的反应条件下,钯催化的苯酚和烯基碳酸酯之间的 C-O 键形成反应,以良好的收率生成 2,3-烯基芳香族醚。可以耐受多种合成上有用的官能团,并且该方法的合成效用已通过丙二烯部分的一系列转化得到证明。以该反应为关键步骤,完成了天然烯属芳香醚、桉烯和土三烯A的全合成(首次合成;4.5克规模)。