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The effect of givenness and referring expression on dative alternation in Norwegian: A reaction time study
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586521000081
Marta Velnić 1 , Merete Anderssen 2

This study investigates how givenness and pronominality affect the dative alternation in Norwegian. Previous studies have found givenness to influence the Double Object Dative (DOD) but not the Prepositional Dative (PD). Thirty-one Norwegian native speakers completed a speeded acceptability judgment task, in which given objects were expressed by definite DPs or pronouns, and either preceded or followed the new referent. DODs were found to be highly sensitive to givenness. Surprisingly, PDs also showed contextual dependency. Referring expressions affected the two structures differently: reaction times were faster with pronouns in DODs and slower in PDs. This suggests that the alternates have different processing biases, with the former preferring pronouns and the latter DPs. The results are further considered in relation to the notion of harmonic alignment, as PDs, in which the typically animate recipient is always the second object, and will thus consistently represent a suboptimal and non-harmonious order when givenness is adhered to.



本研究调查了给予性和代词性如何影响挪威语的与格交替。以前的研究发现给予性会影响双宾格与格(DOD),但不会影响介词与格(PD)。31 名以挪威为母语的人完成了一项快速可接受性判断任务,其中给定的对象由确定的 DP 或代词表示,并且在新所指之前或之后。国防部被发现对给予性高度敏感。令人惊讶的是,PD 还表现出上下文依赖性。指称表达对两种结构的影响不同:DOD 中的代词反应时间更快,PD 中的反应时间更慢。这表明替代词具有不同的加工偏差,前者偏爱代词,后者偏爱代词。
