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Interspecific variation in mortality and growth and changes in their relationship with size class in an old-growth temperate forest
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-12 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7720
Takashi Masaki 1 , Ryo Kitagawa 2 , Tohru Nakashizuka 1 , Mitsue Shibata 1 , Hiroshi Tanaka 3

  1. Understanding trade-offs between demographic parameters is crucial when investigating community assembly rules in high-diversity forests. To this end, we estimated mortality and growth parameters, and correlations among them, across entire size classes for 17 tree species (Betula, Carpinus, Fagus, Quercus, Castanea, Acer, Cerasus, Swida, Kalopanax, and Styrax) using a dataset over 18 years obtained from an old-growth forest in Japan.
  2. Size classes were represented by 12 categories determined by age, height, and diameter at breast height (DBH) from new seedlings to stems of DBH >85 cm. We derived the annual mortality and growth for each species and class using estimates of transition probabilities between classes. Trade-offs or synergies in growth and survival among species per size class were analyzed with and without the inclusion of phylogenetic relationships.
  3. Annual mortality showed U-shaped patterns across size classes for species that could potentially reach a DBH ≥55 cm: 0.2–0.98 for seedlings, 0.002–0.01 at DBH 35–45 cm, and ca. 0.01 at DBH ≥55 cm. Other species demonstrated monotonically decreasing mortality toward specific maximum size classes. When phylogenetic information was included in analyses, the correlations between survival and growth changed across size classes were significant for some classes: As an overall tendency, synergy was observed in growth and survival for seedling to sapling classes, trade-offs for juvenile to DBH 15–25 cm classes, and synergy again for larger classes. When phylogenetic information was not included, a significant trade-off was observed only at DBH 5–15 cm.
  4. Synthesis. Trade-offs at intermediate classes imply differentiation in demographic characteristics related to life history strategies. However, evolutionarily obtained demographic characteristics are not substantial drivers of niche differentiation in the study area. The polylemma of mortality, growth, and other parameters such as the onset of reproduction may also be important factors driving species-specific demographic traits.



  1. 在调查高多样性森林中的社区集会规则时,了解人口参数之间的权衡至关重要。为此,我们估计死亡率和生长参数,并且相关其中,横跨整个尺寸类17个树种(鹅耳枥山毛榉宏基光皮刺楸,和安息香并且使用数据集)从日本的原始森林中获得的 18 年。
  2. 大小等级由 12 个类别表示,这些类别由年龄、高度和胸高直径 (DBH) 决定,从新幼苗到 DBH > 85 厘米的茎。我们使用类别之间的转换概率估计得出每个物种和类别的年死亡率和增长率。在包含和不包含系统发育关系的情况下,分析了每个大小类别的物种在生长和存活方面的权衡或协同作用。
  3. 对于可能达到 DBH ≥ 55 cm 的物种,年死亡率显示出跨大小等级的 U 形模式:幼苗为 0.2-0.98,DBH 35-45 cm 为 0.002-0.01,约 0.01 在 DBH ≥55 厘米。其他物种表现出朝着特定最大尺寸等级单调降低死亡率。当系统发育信息包含在分析中时,对于某些类别,不同大小类别的存活率和生长变化之间的相关性是显着的:作为总体趋势,在幼苗到树苗类别的生长和存活率方面观察到协同作用,幼苗到 DBH 15 的权衡–25 cm 等级,更大等级的协同作用。当不包括系统发育信息时,仅在 DBH 5-15 cm 处观察到显着的权衡。
  4. 合成。中间阶层的权衡意味着与生活史策略相关的人口特征的差异。然而,进化获得的人口特征并不是研究区域生态位分化的实质性驱动因素。死亡率、生长和其他参数(例如繁殖的开始)的多重困境也可能是驱动物种特定人口特征的重要因素。