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Ultrathin One-Dimensional Ni-MIL-77 Nanobelts for High-Performance Electrocatalytic Urea Evolution
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.1c00021
Xiao Xiao 1 , Guangxun Zhang 1 , Jianda Wang 1 , Xinlan Wang 1 , Huan Pang 1

During all the electrochemical energy conversion processes, the urea (CO(NH2)2) oxidation reaction (UOR), acting as an anode reaction in the urea electrolyzer, takes only 0.37 V to reach the equilibrium potential. As a result, the urea oxidation reaction can form a more effective hydrogen generation pathway by the coupling cathode water decomposition reaction (HER) in theory. However, limited by the harsh reaction mechanism of six-electron transfer, it is still necessary to develop catalyst materials with excellent performance and low costs to carry out efficient UOR performance. In this work, we obtained ultrathin nickel-based organic framework (MOF) nanobelts using a one-step hydrothermal method. Because of growth restrictions, not all of the six coordination sites of nickel are occupied by carboxyl groups. These metal centers with unbalanced coordination will act as active centers of the catalytic reaction, oxidizing CO(NH2)2 and promoting the formation of CO2 and N2.


用于高性能电催化尿素演化的超薄一维 Ni-MIL-77 纳米带

在所有电化学能量转换过程中,尿素 (CO(NH 2 ) 2) 氧化反应 (UOR) 作为尿素电解槽中的阳极反应,仅需 0.37 V 即可达到平衡电位。因此,理论上尿素氧化反应可以通过耦合阴极水分解反应(HER)形成更有效的制氢途径。然而,受限于六电子转移严酷的反应机理,仍需要开发性能优异、成本低廉的催化剂材料来实现高效的UOR性能。在这项工作中,我们使用一步水热法获得了超薄镍基有机骨架 (MOF) 纳米带。由于生长限制,并非镍的六个配位点都被羧基占据。这些配位不平衡的金属中心将作为催化反应的活性中心,2 ) 2并促进CO 2和N 2的形成。