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A bibliometric analysis of KSHV/HHV8 research
COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-04
Yi-Fen Wang, Ming-Huang Wang, Yuh-Shan Ho

A bibliometric analysis was conducted to evaluate the global scientific output of KSHV/HHV8 research in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1991 to 2016. The publications were analysed in terms of document type, language of publication, trends in publication, journals, Web of Science categories, and publications of countries, institutions, and authors. The results showed that Journal of Virology led 610 journals. The researchers focused on the category of virology. The USA took the lead position among 92 countries with 58% of all the KSHV/HHV8 articles. Top ten productive institutions were all from the USA. National Cancer Institute, University of California, San Francisco, and Harvard University from the USA led top three the institutions. A comprehensive analysis of keywords revealed that HIV, lymphoma, and EBV were recent foci. The proportion of number of single institution articles : number of nationally collaborative articles : number of internationally collaborative articles (S : N : I) was used to compare performance of institutions. Y-index was also applied to evaluate authors’ publication performance. Chang’s group published the first in KSHV/HHV8 research field.


KSHV/HHV8 研究的文献计量分析

进行文献计量分析以评估 KSHV/HHV8 研究在 1991 年至 2016 年扩大的科学引文索引中的全球科学产出。 根据文献类型、出版语言、出版趋势、期刊、Web of Science 对出版物进行分析国家、机构和作者的类别和出版物。结果表明,Journal of病毒学主导 610 种期刊。研究人员专注于病毒学类别。美国以 58% 的 KSHV/HHV8 文章在 92 个国家中名列前茅。前十名生产性机构均来自美国。美国国立癌症研究所、加州大学旧金山分校和哈佛大学位列前三。对关键词的综合分析显示,HIV、淋巴瘤和 EBV 是最近的焦点。单机构文章数:国家合作文章数:国际合作文章数的比例(S:N:I)用于比较机构绩效。Y-index 也用于评估作者的发表表现。Chang课题组在KSHV/HHV8研究领域发表了第一篇论文。
