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Advancing Urban Peace: Preventing Gun Violence and Healing Traumatized Youth
Youth Justice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1177/14732254211020138
Jason Corburn , DeVone Boggan , Khaalid Muttaqi , Sam Vaughn , James Houston , Julius Thibodeaux , Brian Muhammad

This descriptive article highlights the inner-practices of a trauma-informed, healing-centered, urban gun violence reduction program called Advance Peace. We find that the Advance Peace model uses a unique curriculum called the Peacemaker Fellowship, that offers intensive mentorship, caring, and ‘street love’ to youth at the center of gun violence. The Advance Peace approach is one public safety model that may help young people of color heal from the traumas that contribute to gun violence while also reducing gun crime in urban neighborhoods.



这篇描述性文章重点介绍了一项名为“推进和平”的以创伤为导向、以康复为中心的城市枪支暴力减少计划的内部实践。我们发现,“推进和平”模式使用了一种名为“和平缔造者奖学金”的独特课程,该课程为处于枪支暴力中心的青年提供密集的指导、关怀和“街头爱心”。Advance Peace 方法是一种公共安全模式,可以帮助有色人种年轻人从导致枪支暴力的创伤中痊愈,同时减少城市社区的枪支犯罪。
