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Tight Covalent Organic Framework Membranes for Efficient Anion Transport via Molecular Precursor Engineering
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202105190
Yan Kong 1, 2 , Xueyi He 1, 2 , Hong Wu 1, 2 , Yi Yang 3 , Li Cao 1, 2 , Runlai Li 4 , Benbing Shi 1, 2 , Guangwei He 1, 2 , Yiqin Liu 1, 2 , Quan Peng 1, 2 , Chunyang Fan 1, 2 , Zhenjie Zhang 3 , Zhongyi Jiang 1, 2, 5

Fabricating covalent organic frameworks (COFs) membranes with tight structure, which can fully utilize well-defined framework structure and thus achieve superior conduction performance, remains a grand challenge. Herein, through molecular precursor engineering of COFs, we reported the fabrication of tight COFs membrane with the ever-reported highest hydroxide ion conductivity over 200 mS cm−1 at 80 °C, 100 % RH. Six quaternary ammonium-functionalized COFs were synthesized by assembling functional hydrazides and different aldehyde precursors. In an organic-aqueous reaction system, the impact of the aldehyde precursors with different size, electrophilicity and hydrophilicity on the reaction-diffusion process for fabricating COFs membranes was elucidated. Particularly, more hydrophilic aldehydes were prone to push the reaction zone from the interface region to the aqueous phase of the reaction system, the tight membranes were thus fabricated via phase-transfer polymerization process, conferring around 4–8 times the anion conductivity over the loose membranes via interfacial polymerization process.



制造具有紧密结构的共价有机框架(COF)膜,可以充分利用明确的框架结构,从而实现优异的导电性能,仍然是一个巨大的挑战。在此,通过 COFs 的分子前体工程,我们报道了制造具有超过 200 mS cm -1 的最高氢氧离子电导率的紧密 COFs 膜在 80 °C、100% 相对湿度下。通过组装功能酰肼和不同的醛前体合成了六种季铵功能化的 COF。在有机-水反应体系中,阐明了不同尺寸、亲电性和亲水性的醛前体对制备COFs膜的反应扩散过程的影响。特别是,更亲水的醛倾向于将反应区从界面区域推向反应体系的水相,因此通过相转移聚合工艺制造了紧密的膜,赋予松散的约 4-8 倍的阴离子电导率。膜通过界面聚合过程。