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Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Markovnikov Hydrosilylation of Alkynes Catalyzed by High-Nuclearity {Co14} Clusters
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c01996
Jun-Song Jia 1 , Yan Cao 1 , Tai-Xue Wu 1 , Ye Tao 1 , Ying-Ming Pan 1 , Fu-Ping Huang 1 , Hai-Tao Tang 1

This work developed three high-nuclearity {Co14} clusters of C1–C3 with inner [Co8] backbone fixed by six ambient CoCl2 species. The catalyst C1 exhibited highly regio- and stereoselective hydrosilylation of alkynes with primary and secondary silane to produce α-vinylsilanes. More importantly, C1 shows high regioselectivity for electronically unbiased alkyl alkynes, and the α-selectivity of some alkyl alkynes has not been achieved in previous reports. Leaching tests and reusability proved that the reaction is a heterogeneous process.


高核{Co 14 }簇催化的炔烃的高度区域选择性和立体选择性马尔可夫尼科夫氢化硅烷化

这项工作开发了C1-C3 的三个高核 {Co 14 } 簇,其内部 [Co 8 ] 主链由六个环境 CoCl 2物种固定。催化剂C1表现出炔烃与伯硅烷和仲硅烷的高度区域和立体选择性氢化硅烷化,以生产 α-乙烯基硅烷。更重要的是,C1对电子无偏的烷基炔烃显示出高区域选择性,而一些烷基炔烃的α-选择性在之前的报道中尚未实现。浸出试验和可重用性证明该反应是一个非均相过程。