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Implementing English for Medical Purposes (EMP) in South Korea: Nursing students' ongoing needs analysis
Nurse Education Today ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104989
Lee Jin Choi 1

Despite the growing popularity of English for Medical Purposes courses for nurses and nursing students in the East Asian region, relatively little research has been done to investigate whether these courses meet students' specific pragmatic or learning needs. Drawing on the analysis of questionnaires and interview data collected from 66 South Korean nursing students who enrolled in the Medial English course, the study aims to demonstrate the students' specific learning purposes and their pragmatic needs that are highly relevant to the values and conventions of the target discourse community. The findings of the study suggest that while most students agree with the need for English for Specific Purposes courses, they report that the current courses do not fully fit their needs and expectations because of (a) an English-only classroom policy, (b) limited academic literacy in English, and (c) non-localized materials. Findings help language educators, policy makers and researchers in the East Asian region to better understand the importance of looking at specificity of English for Medical Purposes courses and the students' unique needs, and provide them with suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness and specificity of English for Medical Purposes courses.


在韩国实施医疗英语 (EMP):护理学生的持续需求分析

尽管东亚地区护士和护理专业的医学英语课程越来越受欢迎,但关于这些课程是否满足学生特定的实用或学习需求的研究相对较少。通过对 66 名参加医学英语课程的韩国护理学生的问卷和访谈数据的分析,该研究旨在展示学生的特定学习目的和他们的实际需求,这些需求与医疗保健的价值观和惯例高度相关。目标话语社区。研究结果表明,虽然大多数学生同意特定用途英语课程的必要性,但他们报告说当前的课程并不完全符合他们的需求和期望,因为 (a) 只使用英语的课堂政策,(b) 英语学术素养有限,以及 (c) 非本地化材料。调查结果有助于东亚地区的语言教育者、政策制定者和研究人员更好地了解关注医学英语课程的特殊性和学生的独特需求的重要性,并为他们提供建议,以提高英语的有效性和特殊性。医学目的课程。
