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Effects of coexistence of tetracycline, copper and microplastics on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes in manured soil
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148087
Yuan Wang 1 , Xuejiang Wang 1 , Yuan Li 1 , Yiyang Liu 1 , Ying Sun 1 , Siqing Xia 1 , Jianfu Zhao 1

The coexistence of antibiotics, heavy metals and microplastics is becoming commonplace and may affect antibiotic resistance in manured soil. The current understanding of the role of microplastics in soil with combined pollution of antibiotics, heavy metals and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) is limited. Here, the effects of the coexistence of tetracycline (TC), Cu and environmental microplastics (EM) on the fate of nine ARGs and three heavy metal resistance genes in agricultural soil were investigated by batch and microcosm experiments. EM were obtained by exposing virgin microplastics to soil environments for 80 days, which exhibited higher adsorption affinity for Cu and TC than soil particles and virgin microplastics. 1% EM in soil increased bioavailable concentrations of TC and Cu by 79–138% and 88–135%, respectively, and decreased TC dissipation from 11.79 mg kg−1 to 3.08 mg kg−1. Correspondingly, the total relative abundances of target ARGs increased by 219–348%. The significant correlations of tetG, tetB, tetQ, sul2, sul1 and intl1 with bioavailable fractions of TC and Cu in soil environments were revealed by network analysis. Moreover, scanning electron micrographs showed the special plastisphere around EM. Attributed to the biofilm generation and higher pollutant accumulation in the plastisphere, EM could be the source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and ARGs in soil environments. Structure equation models further identified that indirect effects of EM acted a major role in the propagation of ARGs by altering soil properties, soil microbial diversity and intl1 abundance. This study revealed that EM could increase the stimulative effects of Cu and TC on antibiotic resistance and magnify the environmental risk of manure application in soil environments.



抗生素、重金属和微塑料的共存正变得越来越普遍,并可能影响肥沃土壤中的抗生素耐药性。目前对微塑料在土壤中的作用以及抗生素、重金属和抗生素耐药性基因 (ARG) 的综合污染的理解是有限的。在这里,通过批量和微观实验研究了四环素 (TC)、铜和环境微塑料 (EM) 共存对农业土壤中 9 个 ARGs 和 3 个重金属抗性基因命运的影响。通过将原生微塑料暴露在土壤环境中 80 天来获得 EM,其对 Cu 和 TC 的吸附亲和力高于土壤颗粒和原生微塑料。土壤中 1% 的 EM 使 TC 和 Cu 的生物可利用浓度分别增加了 79-138% 和 88-135%,并将 TC 耗散从 11.79 mg kg-1 降低到 3.08 mg kg-1。相应地,目标 ARG 的总相对丰度增加了 219-348%。通过网络分析揭示了土壤环境中 tetG 、 tetB 、 tetQ 、 sul2 、 sul1 和 intl1 与 TC 和 Cu 生物可利用度分数的显著相关性。此外,扫描电子显微镜照片显示了 EM 周围的特殊塑料球。由于生物膜的产生和塑料圈中较高的污染物积累,EM 可能是土壤环境中抗生素耐药细菌和 ARGs 的来源。结构方程模型进一步确定,EM 的间接效应通过改变土壤特性、土壤微生物多样性和 intl1 丰度在 ARGs 的传播中起主要作用。本研究揭示了 EM 可以增加 Cu 和 TC 对抗生素耐药性的刺激作用,并放大土壤环境中施用粪污的环境风险。