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Ferroelectric α-In2Se3 Wrapped-Gate β-Ga2O3 Field-Effect Transistors for Dynamic Threshold Voltage Control
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202100306
Jeong Yong Yang 1 , Min Jae Yeom 1 , Youngseo Park 2 , Junseok Heo 2 , Geonwook Yoo 1

Indium selenide (α-In2Se3), which is a recently emerging ferroelectric semiconductor, can solve a major hindrance to applications of an ultra-wide bandgap beta-gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) semiconductor. Here, ferroelectric α-In2Se3 wrapped-gate β-Ga2O3 field-effect transistors (FETs) for dynamic threshold voltage (VTH) control is demonstrated. The dry-transferred α-In2Se3 layer is wrapped around β-Ga2O3 channel, which allows efficient electrostatic gate modulation. Thus, the ferroelectricity of α-In2Se3 and a thin native oxide interlayer formed at the interface between β-Ga2O3 and α-In2Se3 can provide effective VTH control. Applying a positive voltage pulse to the gate electrode induces positive VTH shift; hence, the device can be even changed from depletion to enhancement (E-) mode. The E-mode β-Ga2O3 FET exhibits steep-subthreshold slope with a negligible hysteresis. The VTH of E-mode can be further modulated by applying back-gate bias, and electrical performance can be enhanced via dual-gate operation. The approach demonstrates an energy efficient β-Ga2O3-based switching device architecture integrated with ferroelectric van der Waals 2D materials.


用于动态阈值电压控制的铁电 α-In2Se3 包裹栅 β-Ga2O3 场效应晶体管

硒化铟(α-In 2 Se 3)是一种新近出现的铁电半导体,可以解决超宽带隙β-氧化镓(β-Ga 2 O 3)半导体应用的主要障碍。在此,展示了用于动态阈值电压 ( V TH ) 控制的铁电 α-In 2 Se 3缠绕栅 β-Ga 2 O 3场效应晶体管 (FET) 。干转移的α-In 2 Se 3层包裹在β-Ga 2 O 3周围通道,它允许有效的静电门调制。因此,α-In 2 Se 3的铁电性和在β-Ga 2 O 3和α-In 2 Se 3之间的界面处形成的薄天然氧化物中间层可以提供有效的V TH控制。向栅电极施加正电压脉冲会引起正V TH偏移;因此,器件甚至可以从耗尽模式变为增强 (E-) 模式。E 模式 β-Ga 2 O 3 FET 呈现陡峭的亚阈值斜率,滞后可忽略不计。该V TH通过施加背栅偏置可以进一步调制 E 模式,并且可以通过双栅操作增强电气性能。该方法展示了一种与铁电范德华二维材料集成的节能 β-Ga 2 O 3 型开关器件架构。