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Supramolecular Assemblies for Photodynamic Therapy
Current Organic Chemistry ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.2174/1385272825666210122094010
Andrea Pappalardo 1 , Chiara M.A. Gangemi 1 , Caterina Testa 1 , Giuseppe Trusso Sfrazzetto 1

In recent years, supramolecular systems for nano-medicine, and in particular for photodynamic therapy, have gained great attention for their uses as smart and engineered therapeutic agents. We proposed a collection of very recent articles on supramolecular complexes for photodynamic therapy based on different photosensitizers assembled with cyclodextrins, cucurbiturils, calixarenes, pillararenes, or involved in nanobox and tweezer structures, nanoparticles, aggregates and micelles, that are dynamic assemblies inspired to biological systems. Despite the advantages of traditional Photodynamic therapy (PDT), which is a non-invasive, reliable and highly selective clinical treatment for several pathological conditions, different drawbacks are still smothering the applicability of this clinical treatment. In this contest, a new supramolecular approach is emerging, in fact, the reversible formation of these supramolecular assemblies, combined with the possibility to modify their dimensions and shapes in the presence of a guest make them similar to biological macromolecules, such as proteins and enzymes. Furthermore, due to the relatively weak and dynamic nature of supramolecular assemblies, they can undergo assembly and disassembly very fast as well as responses to external stimuli, such as biological (e.g. enzyme activation), chemical (e.g. redox potential or pH), and physical (e.g. temperature, light or magnetic fields). Therefore, the responsiveness of these supramolecular assemblies represents a highly promising approach to obtain potentially personalized PDT.



近年来,用于纳米医学,特别是用于光动力疗法的超分子系统,由于其作为智能和工程化治疗剂的用途而备受关注。我们提出了一系列关于光分子治疗的超分子复合物的最新文章,这些复合物基于与环糊精,葫芦科,杯芳烃,柱芳烃组装在一起的不同光敏剂,或涉及纳米盒和镊子结构,纳米颗粒,聚集体和胶束,它们是受生物系统启发的动态组装体。尽管传统的光动力疗法(PDT)具有针对多种病理状况的非侵入性,可靠且高度选择性的临床治疗的优势,但各种缺点仍使该临床治疗的适用性受到影响。在这场比赛中 实际上,一种新的超分子方法正在出现,实际上,这些超分子组装体的可逆形成以及在客体存在下修改其尺寸和形状的可能性使它们类似于生物大分子,例如蛋白质和酶。此外,由于超分子组装的相对较弱和动态的特性,它们可以非常快速地进行组装和拆卸以及对外部刺激(例如生物(例如酶激活),化学(例如氧化还原电势或pH)和物理刺激)的反应。 (例如温度,光或磁场)。因此,这些超分子组装的响应性代表了获得潜在个性化PDT的高度有前途的方法。结合在客体存在下修改其尺寸和形状的可能性,使它们类似于生物大分子,例如蛋白质和酶。此外,由于超分子组装体的相对较弱和动态的特性,它们可以非常快速地进行组装和拆卸以及对外部刺激(例如生物(例如酶激活),化学(例如氧化还原电势或pH)和物理刺激)的响应。 (例如温度,光或磁场)。因此,这些超分子组装的响应性代表了获得潜在个性化PDT的高度有前途的方法。结合在客体存在下修改其尺寸和形状的可能性,使它们类似于生物大分子,例如蛋白质和酶。此外,由于超分子组装体的相对较弱和动态的特性,它们可以非常快速地进行组装和拆卸以及对外部刺激(例如生物(例如酶激活),化学(例如氧化还原电势或pH)和物理刺激)的响应。 (例如温度,光或磁场)。因此,这些超分子组装的响应性代表了获得潜在个性化PDT的高度有前途的方法。由于超分子组装的相对较弱和动态的特性,它们可以非常快速地进行组装和拆卸,并对外部刺激(例如生物(例如酶激活),化学(例如氧化还原电势或pH)和物理(例如温度,光或磁场)。因此,这些超分子组装的响应性代表了获得潜在个性化PDT的高度有前途的方法。由于超分子组装的相对较弱和动态的特性,它们可以非常快速地进行组装和拆卸,并对外部刺激(例如生物(例如酶激活),化学(例如氧化还原电势或pH)和物理(例如温度,光或磁场)。因此,这些超分子组装的响应性代表了获得潜在个性化PDT的高度有前途的方法。
