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Aryl(TMP)iodonium Tosylate Reagents as a Strategic Entry Point to Diverse Aryl Intermediates: Selective Access to Arynes
Organic Letters ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.1c01534
Aleksandra Nilova 1 , Bryan Metze 1 , David R Stuart 1

Arenes are broadly found motifs in societally important molecules. Access to diverse arene chemical space is critically important, and the ability to do so from common reagents is highly desirable. Aryl(TMP)iodonium tosylates provide one such access point to arene chemical space via diverse aryl intermediates. Here we demonstrate that controlling reaction pathways selectively leads to arynes with a broad scope of arenes and arynophiles (24 examples, 70% average yield) and efficient access to biologically active compounds.


Aryl(TMP)iodonium Tosylate 试剂作为多种芳基中间体的战略切入点:选择性获取芳炔

芳烃是广泛存在于社会重要分子中的基序。进入不同的芳烃化学空间至关重要,并且非常希望能够从普通试剂中做到这一点。甲苯磺酸芳基(TMP)碘鎓通过多种芳基中间体为芳烃化学空间提供了一个这样的接入点。在这里,我们证明控制反应途径选择性地导致芳烃具有广泛的芳烃和亲芳烃(24 个例子,平均产率 70%)和有效获取生物活性化合物。