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Roughening for Strengthening and Toughening in Monolayer Carbon Based Composites
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c01462
Wenhui Xie 1, 2 , Yujie Wei 1, 2

Three-dimensional (3D) aggregation of graphene is dramatically weak and brittle due primarily to the prevailing interlayer van der Waals interaction. In this report, motivated by the recent success in synthesis of monolayer amorphous carbon (MAC) sheets, we demonstrate that outstanding strength and large plastic-like strain can be achieved in layered 3D MAC composites. Both surface roughening and the ultracompliant nature of MACs count for the high strength and gradual failure in 3D MAC. Such properties are not seen when intact graphene or multiple stacked MACs are used as building blocks for 3D composites. This work demonstrates a counterintuitive mechanism that surface roughening due to initial defects and low rigidity may help to realize superb mechanical properties in 3D aggregation of monolayer carbon.



石墨烯的三维 (3D) 聚集非常弱且易碎,这主要是由于主要的层间范德华相互作用。在本报告中,受近期单层无定形碳 (MAC) 片材合成成功的推动,我们证明了分层 3D MAC 复合材料可以实现出色的强度和大的类塑性应变。MAC 的表面粗糙化和超柔顺性都是 3D MAC 的高强度和逐渐失效的原因。当完整的石墨烯或多个堆叠的 MAC 用作 3D 复合材料的构建块时,不会看到这些特性。这项工作证明了一种违反直觉的机制,即由于初始缺陷和低刚度导致的表面粗糙可能有助于在单层碳的 3D 聚集中实现卓越的机械性能。