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Metal Oxo-Fluoride Molecules OnMF2 (M = Mn and Fe; n = 1–4) and O2MnF: Matrix Infrared Spectra and Quantum Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03806
Tengfei Huang 1 , Lijuan Zhao 2 , Xuelian Jiang 3 , Wenjie Yu 1 , Bing Xu 1 , Xuefeng Wang 1 , W. H. Eugen Schwarz 2, 4 , Jun Li 2, 3

On reacting laser-ablated manganese or iron difluorides with O2 or O3 during codeposition in solid neon or argon, infrared absorptions of several new metal oxo-fluoride molecules, including OMF2, (η1-O2)MF2, (η2-O3)MF2, (η1-O2)2MF2 (M = Mn and Fe), and O2MnF, have been observed. Quantum chemical density functional and multiconfiguration wavefunction calculations have been applied to characterize these new products by their geometric and electronic structures, vibrations, charges, and bonding. The assignment of the main vibrational absorptions as dominant symmetric or antisymmetric M–F or M–O stretching modes is confirmed by oxygen isotopic shifts and quantum chemical calculations of frequencies and thermal stabilities. The tendency of Fe to form polyoxygen complexes in lower oxidation states than the preceding element Mn is affirmed experimentally and supported theoretically. The M–F stretching frequencies of the isolated metal oxo-fluorides may provide a scale for the local charge on the MF2 sites in active energy conversion systems. The study of these species provides insights for understanding the trend of oxidation state changes across the transition-metal series.


金属氧氟化物分子 On n MF 2(M = Mn 和 Fe;n = 1–4)和 O 2 MnF:基质红外光谱和量子化学

在固体氖气或氩气共沉积过程中,激光烧蚀的二氟化锰或二氟化铁与 O 2或 O 3 反应时,几种新金属氧氟化物分子的红外吸收,包括 OMF 2 , (η 1 -O 2 )MF 2 , (η 2 -O 3 )MF 2 , (η 1 -O 2 ) 2 MF 2 (M = Mn 和 Fe), 和 O 2MnF,已被观察到。量子化学密度泛函和多配置波函数计算已应用于通过几何和电子结构、振动、电荷和键合来表征这些新产品。氧同位素位移和频率和热稳定性的量子化学计算证实了主要振动吸收作为主要对称或反对称 M-F 或 M-O 拉伸模式的分配。Fe 以比前面的元素 Mn 更低的氧化态形成多氧配合物的趋势在实验上得到证实并在理论上得到支持。孤立的金属氧氟化物的 M-F 伸缩频率可以为 MF 2上的局部电荷提供一个尺度主动能量转换系统中的站点。对这些物种的研究为理解过渡金属系列的氧化态变化趋势提供了见解。