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Voicing patterns in stops among heritage speakers of Western Armenian in Lebanon and the US
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586521000093
Niamh E. Kelly , Lara Keshishian

Research on Western Armenian (WA) has described it as having a contrast between voiceless aspirated stops and voiced stops (Fairbanks 1948; Vaux 1998; Baronian 2017). Since there is no monolingual community of WA, all speakers are part of a minority language community, and also speak the majority language. The current study examines speakers from two heritage communities of WA: one in Lebanon, where the majority language is Arabic, and one in the US, where the majority language is English. The speakers in Lebanon were found to have a contrast between voiced and voiceless unaspirated stops, in line with Lebanese Arabic. The speakers in the US were more variable, some having the English pattern of voiceless unaspirated and voiceless aspirated stops, while others had voiceless aspirated stops, but their voiced stops were variable between voiced and voiceless unaspirated. These results indicate L2 transfer in both communities, leading to two different patterns of voicing in WA.



对西亚美尼亚语 (WA) 的研究将其描述为清送气塞音和浊塞音之间的对比(Fairbanks 1948;Vaux 1998;Baronian 2017)。由于西澳没有单语社区,所有说话者都是少数语言社区的一部分,也说多数语言。目前的研究调查了来自西澳两个遗产社区的演讲者:一位在黎巴嫩,主要语言是阿拉伯语,另一位在美国,主要语言是英语。黎巴嫩的说话人被发现在浊音和清音不送气塞音之间有对比,这与黎巴嫩阿拉伯语一致。美国的说话人比较多变,有些有清音不送气和清送气塞音的英语模式,而另一些有清送气塞音,但他们的浊塞在浊音和清音不送气之间变化。这些结果表明两个社区的 L2 迁移,导致西澳两种不同的发声模式。