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Carbothermic reduction roasting for processing of ferruginous chromite ore using conventional and microwave heating
Advanced Powder Technology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2021.05.001
Sunil Kumar Tripathy , Y. Rama Murthy , Nikkam Suresh , Lev O. Filippov

The present study investigates the recovery of chromite from a low-grade ferruginous ore through the carbothermic magnetization route using conventional and microwave heating sources. The carbothermic magnetization of ore is studied in both a horizontal tube furnace and a microwave oven by varying different process variables. The main objective of the study is to enhance the magnetic susceptibility of iron-bearing gangue minerals to enable the separation in a magnetic field. Alteration of crystalline structure and magnetic property of these minerals enables separation of low-grade ore by using magnetic separation. It is found that low-grade ferruginous chromite ore can be upgraded by reduction roasting, and 61.2% Cr2O3 was recovered with a chromium-to-iron ratio of 1.93 from a feed chromium-to-iron ratio of 1.01. The optimum result is achieved at a roasting temperature of 800 °C, with a roasting time of 60 min and a reductant dosage of 7.5%. Similarly, under microwave radiation, the chromium-to-iron ratio was upgraded to 1.81 with a recovery of 22%Cr2O3. The optimum result achieved under microwave radiation is at a microwave power of 900 W and exposure time of 7.5 min, with a reductant dosage of 10%. The findings of these two processing routes are discussed through characterization tools.



本研究调查了使用常规和微波加热源通过碳热磁化路线从低品位铁矿石中回收铬铁矿。通过改变不同的工艺变量,在水平管式炉和微波炉中研究矿石的碳热磁化。该研究的主要目的是提高含铁脉石矿物的磁化率,以便在磁场中进行分离。通过改变这些矿物的晶体结构和磁性,可以通过磁选分离低品位矿石。发现低品位亚铁铬铁矿可通过还原焙烧提质,61.2% Cr 2 O 3从铬铁比为 1.01 的进料中回收,铬铁比为 1.93。最佳结果是在 800 °C 的焙烧温度、60 分钟的焙烧时间和 7.5% 的还原剂用量下实现。同样,在微波辐射下,铬铁比提升至 1.81,回收率为 22% Cr 2 O 3。在微波辐射下获得的最佳结果是微波功率为 900 W,暴露时间为 7.5 分钟,还原剂用量为 10%。通过表征工具讨论了这两种加工路线的发现。
