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Three-Dimensional Reticulated, Spongelike, Resilient Aerogels Assembled by SiC/Si3N4 Nanowires
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c04917
Xiaoyan Zhang 1, 2 , Youfei Zhang 2 , Ya-Nan Qu 3 , Jia-Min Wu 4 , Shengen Zhang 1 , Jinlong Yang 2

For nanofibrous aerogels, a three-dimensional porous structure with interwoven nanofibers as a pore wall has become an urgent demand, and it remains to be a challenge to ensure the mechanical stability and thermal insulation. Other than the reported nanofiber as raw materials to generate three-dimensional cellular nanofibrous aerogels, an alternative low-cost and facile procedure has been proposed here via tactfully utilizing polymer sponge as a template attached with reactive particles, followed by a carbothermal reduction process to realize nanowire growth and their replacement of the original framework. The resulting spongy aerogels with numerous interlaced SiC/Si3N4 nanowires as a skeleton exhibit an ultrahigh porosity of 99.79%. Meanwhile, compressive elasticity after a compression at strain of 35% for 400 cycles, a low thermal conductivity of 23.19 mW/(m K), an excellent absorption capacity of 33.9–95.3 times for varied organic solvents removal, along with flexibility in shape design favored by the initial organic sponge make this nanofibrous aerogel an ideal material for heat shielding, absorption, or catalyst support.


SiC / Si 3 N 4纳米线组装的三维网状海绵状气凝胶

对于纳米纤维气凝胶,以交织的纳米纤维作为孔壁的三维多孔结构已成为迫切需求,确保机械稳定性和隔热性仍然是一个挑战。除了已报道的纳米纤维作为生成三维蜂窝状纳米纤维气凝胶的原料外,这里还提出了另一种低成本且简便的方法,该方法通过以触觉方式利用聚合物海绵作为模板,并附有反应性颗粒,然后进行碳热还原工艺来实现。纳米线的增长及其对原始框架的替代。生成的海绵状气凝胶具有大量交错的SiC / Si 3 N 4纳米线作为骨架表现出99.79%的超高孔隙率。同时,在35%的应变下进行400次循环压缩后的压缩弹性,23.19 mW /(m K)的低导热性,对各种有机溶剂的去除具有33.9–95.3倍的出色吸收能力,以及形状设计的灵活性被最初的有机海绵所青睐,使这种纳米纤维气凝胶成为隔热,吸收或支撑催化剂的理想材料。