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Reflecting on task-based language teaching from an Instructed SLA perspective
Language Teaching ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0261444821000161
Nina Spada

Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) have much in common in terms of theory, research, and educational relevance. The distinguishing characteristic between the two is that TBLT adopts communicative tasks as the central unit for instruction and assessment, whereas ISLA comprises a broader range of instructional activities and assessment practices. In this presentation, I focus on two of the conference themes: Instruction and Outcomes. With respect to Instruction, I draw attention to the pedagogical timing of form-focused instruction (FFI) and corrective feedback. I discuss relevant studies within ISLA and TBLT and argue that TBLT is particularly well-suited to investigating questions about the timing of FFI. In discussing Outcomes, I consider differences in how outcomes are measured in TBLT (i.e. performance) and ISLA (i.e. development) and the different aspects of language examined within each, for example, accuracy, implicit/explicit knowledge in ISLA and complexity, accuracy and fluency in TBLT. I discuss underlying similarities between fluency and implicit knowledge, how they are measured, and propose research to investigate the pedagogical timing of FFI in relation to fluency development. I conclude with a brief discussion of the need for a balance between theoretically and pedagogically motivated research within ISLA and TBLT.


从 Instructed SLA 视角反思任务型语言教学

基于任务的语言教学 (TBLT) 和指导性第二语言习得 (ISLA) 在理论、研究和教育相关性方面有很多共同之处。两者的区别在于 TBLT 采用交际任务作为教学和评估的中心单元,而 ISLA 包含更广泛的教学活动和评估实践。在本次演讲中,我将重点关注会议的两个主题:指导和成果。关于教学,我提请注意以形式为中心的教学 (FFI) 和纠正反馈的教学时机。我讨论了 ISLA 和 TBLT 中的相关研究,并认为 TBLT 特别适合调查有关 FFI 时机的问题。在讨论结果时,我考虑了在 TBLT 中如何衡量结果的差异(即 性能)和 ISLA(即发展)以及在每个方面检查的语言的不同方面,例如,ISLA 中的准确性、隐式/显式知识以及 TBLT 中的复杂性、准确性和流利度。我讨论了流利度和内隐知识之间的潜在相似性,它们是如何衡量的,并提出研究以调查 FFI 与流利度发展相关的教学时机。最后,我简要讨论了在 ISLA 和 TBLT 中的理论和教学动机研究之间需要平衡的必要性。并提出研究以调查 FFI 与流利度发展相关的教学时机。最后,我简要讨论了在 ISLA 和 TBLT 中的理论和教学动机研究之间需要平衡的必要性。并提出研究以调查 FFI 与流利度发展相关的教学时机。最后,我简要讨论了在 ISLA 和 TBLT 中的理论和教学动机研究之间需要平衡的必要性。