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PTeacher: a Computer-Aided Personalized Pronunciation Training System with Exaggerated Audio-Visual Corrective Feedback
arXiv - CS - Human-Computer Interaction Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: arxiv-2105.05182
Yaohua Bu, Tianyi Ma, Weijun Li, Hang Zhou, Jia Jia, Shengqi Chen, Kaiyuan Xu, Dachuan Shi, Haozhe Wu, Zhihan Yang, Kun Li, Zhiyong Wu, Yuanchun Shi, Xiaobo Lu, Ziwei Liu

Second language (L2) English learners often find it difficult to improve their pronunciations due to the lack of expressive and personalized corrective feedback. In this paper, we present Pronunciation Teacher (PTeacher), a Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training (CAPT) system that provides personalized exaggerated audio-visual corrective feedback for mispronunciations. Though the effectiveness of exaggerated feedback has been demonstrated, it is still unclear how to define the appropriate degrees of exaggeration when interacting with individual learners.To fill in this gap, we interview {100 L2 English learners and 22 professional native teachers} to understand their needs and experiences. Three critical metrics are proposed for both learners and teachers to identify the best exaggeration levels in both audio and visual modalities. Additionally, we incorporate the personalized dynamic feedback mechanism given the English proficiency of learners. Based on the obtained insights, a comprehensive interactive pronunciation training course is designed to help L2 learners rectify mispronunciations in a more perceptible, understandable, and discriminative manner. Extensive user studies demonstrate that our system significantly promotes the learners' learning efficiency.


