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Enhancing Thermocatalytic Activities by Upshifting the d-Band Center of Exsolved Co-Ni-Fe Ternary Alloy Nanoparticles for the Dry Reforming of Methane
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202101335
Sangwook Joo 1 , Kyeounghak Kim 2 , Ohhun Kwon 3 , Jinkyung Oh 1 , Hyung Jun Kim 2 , Linjuan Zhang 4 , Jing Zhou 4 , Jian-Qiang Wang 4 , Hu Young Jeong 5 , Jeong Woo Han 2 , Guntae Kim 1

Dry reforming of methane (DRM) is a feasible solution to address the reduction of greenhouse gases stipulated by the Paris Climate Agreement, given that it adds value by converting trivial gases, CO2 and CH4, simultaneously into useful syngas. However, the conventional Ni catalyst undergoes deactivation due to carbon coking and particle agglomeration. Here we demonstrate a highly efficient and durable DRM catalyst: exsolved Co-Ni-Fe ternary alloy nanoparticles on the layered perovskite PrBaMn1.7Co0.1Ni0.2O5+δ produced by topotactic exsolution. This method readily allows the generation of a larger number of exsolved nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic activity above that of Ni monometallic and Co-Ni bimetallic particles. The enhancement is achieved by the upshift of the d-band center of Co-Ni-Fe relative to those of Co-Ni and Ni, meaning easier charge donation to the adsorbate. Furthermore, the exsolved catalyst shows exceptional stability, with continuous DRM operation for about 350 hours.


通过上移已溶出的 Co-Ni-Fe 三元合金纳米颗粒的 d 带中心来提高热催化活性,用于甲烷干重整

甲烷干法重整 (DRM) 是解决《巴黎气候协定》规定的温室气体减排的可行解决方案,因为它通过将微不足道的气体 CO 2和 CH 4同时转化为有用的合成气来增加价值。然而,传统的镍催化剂由于碳焦化和颗粒团聚而失活。在这里,我们展示了一种高效且耐用的 DRM 催化剂:层状钙钛矿 PrBaMn 1.7 Co 0.1 Ni 0.2 O 5+ δ上的外溶 Co-Ni-Fe 三元合金纳米粒子由拓扑外溶产生。这种方法很容易产生大量的外溶纳米颗粒,其催化活性高于 Ni 单金属和 Co-Ni 双金属颗粒。这种增强是通过 Co-Ni-Fe 的 d 带中心相对于 Co-Ni 和 Ni 的上移来实现的,这意味着更容易向吸附质提供电荷。此外,外溶催化剂显示出优异的稳定性,连续 DRM 操作约 350 小时。