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BERT based freedom to operate patent analysis
arXiv - CS - Computation and Language Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: arxiv-2105.00817
Michael Freunek, André Bodmer

In this paper we present a method to apply BERT to freedom to operate patent analysis and patent searches. According to the method, BERT is fine-tuned by training patent descriptions to the independent claims. Each description represents an invention which is protected by the corresponding claims. Such a trained BERT could be able to identify or order freedom to operate relevant patents based on a short description of an invention or product. We tested the method by training BERT on the patent class G06T1/00 and applied the trained BERT on five inventions classified in G06T1/60, described via DOCDB abstracts. The DOCDB abstract are available on ESPACENET of the European Patent Office.



在本文中,我们提出了一种将BERT应用于自由地进行专利分析和专利检索的方法。根据该方法,可以通过对独立权利要求进行专利说明培训来对BERT进行微调。每个描述代表受相应权利要求保护的发明。这样的受过训练的BERT可能能够基于对发明或产品的简短描述来识别或命令操作相关专利的自由。我们通过在专利类别G06T1 / 00上对BERT进行培训来测试该方法,并将经过培训的BERT应用于G06T1 / 60中分类的五项发明,这些发明通过DOCDB摘要进行了描述。DOCDB摘要可在欧洲专利局的ESPACENET上获得。