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Hot-Melt Adhesive Based on Dynamic Oxime–Carbamate Bonds
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c00768
Kang Zhong 1 , Qingbao Guan 1 , Wei Sun 1 , Minglin Qin 2 , Zenghe Liu 1 , Luzhi Zhang 1 , Jing Xu 1 , Fan Zhang 3 , Zhengwei You 1, 4

Polyurethane hot-melt adhesives featured with high adhesion strength and environmental friendliness possess broad applications in many fields. However, their practical application is hindered by existing drawbacks such as low adhesion strength and poor recyclability for thermoplastic polyurethane and reactive polyurethane hot-melt adhesives, respectively. Achieving high adhesion strength and efficient recycling for hot-melt adhesives simultaneously is challenging. Herein, reversible covalent bonds (oxime–carbamate) were introduced to construct a three-dimensional dynamically cross-linked polyurethane system which has the merits of favorably reworkable thermoplastic polyurethane hot-melt adhesives and high adhesive reactive polyurethane hot-melt adhesives to accomplish efficient bonding–debonding conversion on demand. Such a structure provided a high cross-linked covalent network and a fast reversible adhesive property, and hence improved the overall performance of holt-melt adhesives. As a result, the adhesive exhibited an impressive initial and ultimate adhesion strength of 5.96 ± 0.61 MPa (5 min curing) and 9.02 ± 1.36 MPa (10 days curing), respectively. More remarkably, favorable repeated adhesive capability was realized even after it was completely broken four times, while still retaining all above 4.40 ± 0.92 MPa. In addition, this adhesive also possessed excellent solvent resistance and good durability. Our work emphasized the importance of molecular design and a general method for strong and efficient adhesive systems.



具有高粘合强度和环境友好性的聚氨酯热熔胶在许多领域具有广泛的应用。但是,它们的实际应用受到现有缺点的阻碍,例如分别对热塑性聚氨酯和反应性聚氨酯热熔粘合剂的粘合强度低和可回收性差。同时实现高粘合强度和热熔胶的有效回收是一项挑战。在此,引入可逆共价键(肟-氨基甲酸酯)以构建三维动态交联聚氨酯体系,该体系具有可重复加工的热塑性聚氨酯热熔胶和高粘性反应性聚氨酯热熔胶的优点,可实现高效粘合–按需脱胶转换。这样的结构提供了高交联的共价网络和快速的可逆粘合性能,因此改善了熔体熔融粘合剂的整体性能。结果,该粘合剂表现出令人印象深刻的初始和最终粘合强度,分别为5.96±0.61 MPa(固化5分钟)和9.02±1.36 MPa(固化10天)。更为显着的是,即使将其完全破坏了四次后,仍具有良好的重复粘合能力,同时仍保持了所有高于4.40±0.92 MPa的粘合力。另外,该粘合剂还具有优异的耐溶剂性和良好的耐久性。我们的工作强调了分子设计的重要性以及建立牢固有效的胶粘剂体系的通用方法的重要性。因此改善了整体熔体的性能。结果,该粘合剂表现出令人印象深刻的初始和最终粘合强度,分别为5.96±0.61 MPa(固化5分钟)和9.02±1.36 MPa(固化10天)。更为显着的是,即使将其完全破坏了四次之后,仍具有良好的重复粘合能力,同时仍保持所有高于4.40±0.92 MPa的粘合力。另外,该粘合剂还具有优异的耐溶剂性和良好的耐久性。我们的工作强调了分子设计的重要性以及建立牢固有效的胶粘剂体系的通用方法的重要性。因此改善了整体熔体的性能。结果,该粘合剂表现出令人印象深刻的初始和最终粘合强度,分别为5.96±0.61 MPa(固化5分钟)和9.02±1.36 MPa(固化10天)。更为显着的是,即使将其完全破坏了四次之后,仍具有良好的重复粘合能力,同时仍保持所有高于4.40±0.92 MPa的粘合力。另外,该粘合剂还具有优异的耐溶剂性和良好的耐久性。我们的工作强调了分子设计的重要性以及建立牢固有效的胶粘剂体系的通用方法的重要性。即使完全断裂四次后,仍具有良好的重复粘合能力,同时仍保持所有高于4.40±0.92 MPa的粘合力。另外,该粘合剂还具有优异的耐溶剂性和良好的耐久性。我们的工作强调了分子设计的重要性以及建立牢固有效的胶粘剂体系的通用方法的重要性。即使完全断裂四次后,仍具有良好的重复粘合力,同时仍保持所有高于4.40±0.92 MPa的粘合力。另外,该粘合剂还具有优异的耐溶剂性和良好的耐久性。我们的工作强调了分子设计的重要性以及建立牢固有效的胶粘剂体系的通用方法的重要性。