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Process and Dynamics of Mediterranean Neolithization (7000–5500 bc)
Journal of Archaeological Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10814-021-09161-5
Thomas P. Leppard

Why did the farming lifestyle appear and proliferate so rapidly through the Mediterranean basin between 7000 and 5500 bc? In this paper, I review the archaeological and bioarchaeological data pertinent to Mediterranean Neolithization, suggesting that a preponderance of evidence indicates that this process involved migration—long-distance, targeted colonization along the north Mediterranean littoral. I argue that this process was driven by rapid fissioning within early farming communities, fissioning in turn caused by competing centrifugal and centripetal economic forces within small-scale egalitarian groups.



为什么农耕生活方式在公元前7000 至 5500 年间在地中海盆地出现并如此迅速地传播?在本文中,我回顾了与地中海新石器化相关的考古学和生物考古学数据,表明大量证据表明这一过程涉及迁移——沿着地中海北部沿岸的长距离、有针对性的殖民。我认为,这一过程是由早期农业社区内部的快速裂变驱动的,而这种裂变又是由小规模平等主义群体内部相互竞争的离心和向心经济力量引起的。
