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Oxidative Strong Metal–Support Interactions between Metals and Inert Boron Nitride
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c00934
Tongyuan Song 1, 2 , Jinhu Dong 1 , Rongtan Li 1, 2 , Xiaoyan Xu 3, 4 , Matsumoto Hiroaki 5 , Bing Yang 3, 4 , Rankun Zhang 1, 6 , Yunxing Bai 1, 3 , Hui Xin 1, 3 , Le Lin 1 , Rentao Mu 1, 3 , Qiang Fu 1, 3 , Xinhe Bao 1, 3

The strong metal–support interaction (SMSI) is one of the most important concepts in heterogeneous catalysis, which has been widely investigated between metals and active oxides triggered by reductive atmospheres. Here, we report the oxidative strong metal–support interaction (O-SMSI) effect between Pt nanoparticles (NPs) and inert hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) sheets, in which Pt NPs are encapsulated by oxidized boron (BOx) overlayers derived from the h-BN support under oxidative conditions. De-encapsulation of Pt NPs has been achieved by washing in water, and the residual ultrathin BOx overlayers work synergistically with surface Pt sites for enhancing CO oxidation reaction. The O-SMSI effect is also present in other h-BN-supported metal catalysts such as Au, Rh, Ru, and Ir within different oxidative atmospheres including O2 and CO2, which is determined by metal–boron interaction and O affinity of metals.



金属与载体之间的强相互作用(SMSI)是非均相催化中最重要的概念之一,已广泛研究了金属与还原性气氛触发的活性氧化物之间的关系。在这里,我们报告了P​​t纳米颗粒(NPs)和惰性六方氮化硼(h-BN)板之间的氧化强金属-载体相互作用(O-SMSI)效应,其中Pt NPs由衍生的氧化硼(BO x)覆盖层封装在氧化条件下由h-BN载体得到。Pt NP的去胶囊化是通过在水中洗涤和残留的超薄BO x来实现的。覆盖层与表面Pt部位协同工作,以增强CO氧化反应。O-SMSI效应还存在于其他h-BN负载的金属催化剂(例如Au,Rh,Ru和Ir)中,包括O 2和CO 2的不同氧化气氛中,这取决于金属与硼的相互作用以及O的亲和力。金属。