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In vivo toxicological assessment of diquat dibromide: cytotoxic, genotoxic, and biochemical approach
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Pub Date : 2021-04-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-13936-0
Ali Acar 1

Diquat dibromide is a comprehensive herbicide commonly used in the cultivation of cotton, soybeans, and other crops to combat unwanted weeds. In this study, the half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) value of diquat dibromide was determined 60 mg/L in the Allium root growth inhibition test. ½ × EC50 (30 mg/L), EC50 (60 mg/L), and 2 × EC50 (120 mg/L) concentrations of diquat dibromide were applied to Allium cepa L. bulbs for 72 h to investigate the dose-dependent toxic effects. To determine the toxic effects cytogenetic, biochemical and physiological parameters were used. Physiological effects were investigated by determination of the percentage of rooting, relative injury rate, root length, and weight gain. Genetic effects were evaluated by the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities (CAs), micronucleus (MN) formation, mitotic index (MI) rate, and comet assay. Biochemical parameters were evaluated with antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation by determining malondialdehyde (MDA) level, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, and glutathione (GSH) level. Also, chlorophyll pigment contents (a, b, and total) in green leaves were calculated to elucidate the effect of diquat dibromide on plants and the biosphere. The findings show that increasing doses of diquat dibromide caused a decrease in all physiological parameters and MI ratio, promoting MN and CAs and tail DNA formation in genetic parameters. It was determined by the increases in MDA level, SOD, and CAT activities and decreases in GSH levels that diquat dibromide administration caused oxidative stress depending on the dose. Also, chlorophyll pigment levels (a, b, and total) measured in leaf tissues decreased with the application dose. Considering that the toxic effects caused by diquat dibromide and that organisms other than unwanted plants will be exposed during the application, its use should be abandoned and biocontrol methods should be used instead. In cases where use is compulsory, doses that will not harm the environment and organisms should be determined and used.

Graphical abstract



二溴敌草快是一种综合性除草剂,常用于棉花、大豆和其他作物的种植,以对抗不需要的杂草。在本研究中,在根生长抑制试验中,敌草快二溴化物的半数最大有效浓度 (EC 50 ) 值确定为 60 mg/L 。将 ½ × EC 50 (30 mg/L)、EC 50 (60 mg/L) 和 2 × EC 50 (120 mg/L) 浓度的敌草快二溴化物加到洋葱上L. 灯泡 72 小时以研究剂量依赖性毒性作用。为了确定毒性作用,使用了细胞遗传学、生化和生理学参数。通过测定生根百分比、相对损伤率、根长和体重增加来研究生理效应。通过染色体异常 (CA) 的频率、微核 (MN) 形成、有丝分裂指数 (MI) 率和彗星测定来评估遗传效应。通过测定丙二醛 (MDA) 水平、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD) 活性、过氧化氢酶 (CAT) 活性和谷胱甘肽 (GSH) 水平来评估抗氧化酶活性和脂质过氧化的生化参数。此外,还计算了绿叶中的叶绿素色素含量(a、b 和总含量),以阐明敌草快二溴化物对植物和生物圈的影响。研究结果表明,增加剂量的敌草快二溴化物导致所有生理参数和 MI 比率降低,促进 MN 和 CA 以及遗传参数中尾部 DNA 的形成。通过 MDA 水平、SOD 和 CAT 活性的增加以及 GSH 水平的降低,敌草快二溴化物给药导致氧化应激取决于剂量。此外,叶组织中测量的叶绿素色素水平(a、b 和总量)随着施用剂量的增加而降低。考虑到敌草快的毒性作用以及在施用过程中会暴露有害植物以外的生物体,应放弃使用,改用生物防治方法。在强制使用的情况下,应确定和使用不会损害环境和生物体的剂量。

