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Five Lanthanide-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks Built from a π-Conjugated Ligand with Isophthalate Units Featuring Sensitive Fluorescent Sensing for DMF and Acetone Molecules
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.1c00116
Yan Yang 1 , Lianzhi Li 1 , Hua Yang 1, 2 , Lei Sun 1, 2

Five novel lanthanide metal–organic frameworks constructed from a π-conjugated ligand with tetracarboxylate group, 5,5′-(naphthalene-1,5-diyl)diisophthalic acid, have been synthesized solvothermally. Depend on the single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, the series of compounds exhibit 3D microporous framework architectures with two kinds of 1D open channels, giving the free volume about 36.5% calculated through PLATON. Room-temperature luminescent behaviors in the solid state reveal that compounds 2 (Eu-MOF) and 4 (Tb-MOF) exhibit the characteristic emissions of Eu(III) and Tb(III) benefiting from the excellent antenna effect of the ligand. It is noteworthy that the Eu-MOF, compound 2, has been proven to be treated as a fluorescent switch for DMF with more than 2-fold enhancement and acetone, which triggers a superior luminescence quenching giving an almost 100% quenching efficiency, based on sensitively turned on and turned off effects, respectively.


