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Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Sorption Thermal Battery Enabled by Graphene Aerogel-Based Composite Sorbents for Thermal Energy Harvesting from Air
ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.1c00284
Taisen Yan 1 , Tingxian Li 1 , Jiaxing Xu 1 , Jingwei Chao 1 , Ruzhu Wang 1 , Yuri I. Aristov 2 , Larisa G. Gordeeva 2 , Pradip Dutta 3 , S. Srinivasa Murthy 4

Sorption-based thermal storage has drawn considerable attention for sustainable and cost-effective thermal management and energy storage. However, the low sorption capacity of sorbents is a long-standing challenge for achieving high-energy-density sorption-based thermal storage. Herein, we demonstrate an ultrahigh-energy/power-density sorption thermal battery (STB) enabled by graphene aerogel (GA)-based composite sorbents for efficient thermal harvesting and storage with record performance. Scalable GA-based composite sorbents with high salt loading are synthesized by confined calcium chloride inside a GA matrix (CaCl2@GA), showing fast sorption kinetics and a large sorption capacity up to 2.89 g·g–1 contributed by the GA matrix and chemisorption–deliquescence–absorption of CaCl2. The STB realizes thermal charging–discharging via the multistep water desorption–sorption of CaCl2@GA sorbent with the humidity from air. Importantly, the lab-scale STB exhibits record energy density of 1580 Wh·kg–1 and power density of 815 W·kg–1 for space heating. Our work offers a promising low-carbon route for efficient thermal energy harvesting, storage, and utilization.



基于吸附的蓄热技术已经引起了可持续性和成本效益的蓄热管理和能量存储的极大关注。然而,吸附剂的低吸附容量是实现基于高能量密度的基于吸附的热存储的长期挑战。在本文中,我们演示了一种基于石墨烯气凝胶(GA)的复合吸附剂实现的超高能量/功率密度吸附热电池(STB),可实现创纪录的高效热能收集和存储。通过在GA基质(CaCl 2 @GA)内的密闭氯化钙合成具有高盐分含量的可扩展GA基复合吸附剂,该吸附剂显示出快速的吸附动力学和高达2.89 g·g –1的巨大吸附能力,这是由GA基质和CaCl的化学吸附-潮解-吸收2。机顶盒通过多步水解吸实现CaCl 2 @GA吸附剂与空气中的湿气的热充放电。重要的是,实验室规模的机顶盒在空间供暖方面的记录能量密度为1580 Wh·kg –1,功率密度为815 W·kg –1。我们的工作为有效地热能收集,存储和利用提供了一种有前途的低碳途径。