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Prospective ARNI vs. ACE inhibitor trial to DetermIne Superiority in reducing heart failure Events after Myocardial Infarction (PARADISE-MI): design and baseline characteristics
European Journal of Heart Failure ( IF 16.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1002/ejhf.2191
Karola S Jering 1 , Brian Claggett 1 , Marc A Pfeffer 1 , Christopher Granger 2 , Lars Køber 3 , Eldrin F Lewis 4 , Aldo P Maggioni 5 , Douglas Mann 6 , John J V McMurray 7 , Jean-Lucien Rouleau 8 , Scott D Solomon 1 , Philippe G Steg 9 , Peter van der Meer 10 , Margaret Wernsing 11 , Katherine Carter 11 , Weinong Guo 11 , Yinong Zhou 11 , Martin Lefkowitz 11 , Jianjian Gong 11 , Yi Wang 11 , Bela Merkely 12 , Stella M Macin 13 , Urmil Shah 14 , Jose C Nicolau 15 , Eugene Braunwald 16

Patients surviving an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are at risk of developing symptomatic heart failure (HF) or premature death. We hypothesized that sacubitril/valsartan, effective in the treatment of chronic HF, prevents development of HF and reduces cardiovascular death following high-risk AMI compared to a proven angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. This paper describes the study design and baseline characteristics of patients enrolled in the Prospective ARNI vs. ACE inhibitor trial to DetermIne Superiority in reducing heart failure Events after Myocardial Infarction (PARADISE-MI) trial.


前瞻性 ARNI 与 ACE 抑制剂试验以确定减少心肌梗塞 (PARADISE-MI) 后心力衰竭事件的优势:设计和基线特征

在急性心肌梗死 (AMI) 中幸存的患者有发生症状性心力衰竭 (HF) 或过早死亡的风险。我们假设与已证实的血管紧张素转换酶 (ACE) 抑制剂相比,沙库巴曲/缬沙坦在治疗慢性 HF 方面有效,可防止 HF 的发展并减少高危 AMI 后的心血管死亡。本文描述了参加前瞻性 ARNI 与 ACE 抑制剂试验的患者的研究设计和基线特征,以确定在减少心肌梗塞 (PARADISE-MI) 试验后心力衰竭事件方面的优势。