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Singlet oxygen vs. triplet oxygen: functions of 2D-MoO3 catalysts in conquering catastrophic parasitic-reactions in lithium– and sodium–oxygen batteries
Journal of Materials Chemistry A ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-3-22 , DOI: 10.1039/d1ta00699a
Jia-Hui Li 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Jie Wu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Yang-Xin Yu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Aprotic electrolyte alkali metal–oxygen batteries that possess a higher energy density than lithium-ion batteries stand out as the most promising next-generation environmentally-friendly energy source. Parasitic reactions caused by the singlet oxygen released from the superoxide disproportionation reactions, however, lead to catastrophic fading in the battery cycle life. We attempted to seek a probable catalyst surmounting this dilemma and finally discovered the 2D-MoO3 nanosheet as an electrode-catalyst to handle the side reactions. Previous studies focused mainly on the influence of solvents on side reactions and neglected the catalyst, and hence, in this research an innovative mechanism of battery reaction occurring on the 2D-MoO3 nanosheet in aprotic solvents was fully explored from both thermodynamic and kinetic prospects. It is interesting to find that the 2D-MoO3 nanosheet plays different roles in preventing the production of singlet oxygen in lithium– and sodium–oxygen batteries. The 2D-MoO3 nanosheet could also trigger the deep reduction of alkali-metal peroxides, which is considered to be an effective method to avoid parasitic reactions. This work may shed new light on future research into highly reversible and efficient alkali metal–oxygen batteries.



具有比锂离子电池更高的能量密度的非质子电解质碱金属-氧气电池是最有希望的下一代环保能源。但是,由超氧化物歧化反应释放的单线态氧引起的寄生反应会导致电池循环寿命的灾难性褪色。我们试图寻找克服这一难题的可能的催化剂,并最终发现2D-MoO 3纳米片作为处理副反应的电极催化剂。先前的研究主要集中在溶剂对副反应的影响上,而忽略了催化剂,因此,在这项研究中,在2D-MoO 3上发生电池反应的创新机理从热力学和动力学方面都对非质子溶剂中的纳米片进行了充分的研究。有趣的是,2D-MoO 3纳米片在防止锂和钠氧电池中产生单线态氧方面起着不同的作用。2D-MoO 3纳米片也可能引发碱金属过氧化物的深度还原,这被认为是避免寄生反应的有效方法。这项工作可能会为高度可逆和高效的碱金属-氧气电池的未来研究提供新的思路。