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Making Room for Growing Oriented FASnI3 with Large Grains via Cold Precursor Solution
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202100931
Danyu Cui 1 , Xiao Liu 2 , Tianhao Wu 1 , Xuesong Lin 1 , Xinhui Luo 1 , Yongzhen Wu 3 , Hiroshi Segawa 4 , Xudong Yang 1 , Yiqiang Zhang 5 , Yanbo Wang 1 , Liyuan Han 1

Tin halide perovskites are promising candidates for preparing efficient lead-free perovskite solar cells due to their ideal band gap and high charge-carrier mobility. However, the notorious rapid crystallization process results in the inferior power conversion efficiency (PCE) of tin perovskite solar cells (TPSCs). Here, a facile method is employed to manage this crystallization process by using cold precursor solution that raises the critical Gibbs free energy to slow down the nucleation rate, sparing both space and time for crystal growth. In this way, highly oriented FASnI3 films with micrometer-scale grains are fabricated and an increase of 70 mV in the open-circuit voltage is obtained for TPSCs. This method is compatible with other existed strategies such as additive engineering or the post-treatment method. The best-performing device that combines 0 °C precursor solution and post-treatment method demonstrates a PCE of 12.11%.


通过冷前驱体溶液为大晶粒定向生长 FASnI3 腾出空间

由于其理想的带隙和高电荷载流子迁移率,卤化锡钙钛矿是制备高效无铅钙钛矿太阳能电池的有希望的候选者。然而,臭名昭著的快速结晶过程导致锡钙钛矿太阳能电池 (TPSC) 的功率转换效率 (PCE) 较差。在这里,通过使用冷前体溶液来管理此结晶过程,该方法可提高临界吉布斯自由能以减慢成核速率,从而节省晶体生长的空间和时间。这样,高度定向的 FASnI 3制造具有微米级晶粒的薄膜,并且 TPSC 的开路电压增加了 70 mV。该方法与其他现有策略兼容,例如增材工程或后处理方法。结合 0 °C 前体溶液和后处理方法的性能最佳的设备的 PCE 为 12.11%。