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Teaching and Learning in Times of COVID-19: Uses of Digital Technologies During School Lockdowns
Frontiers In Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-07 , DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.656776
Juan-Ignacio Pozo , María-Puy Pérez Echeverría , Beatriz Cabellos , Daniel L. Sánchez

When schools closed because of COVID-19, teachers had to teach online. This paper intends to analyze the activities carried out during this time through digital technologies and the conceptions of teaching and learning that they reflect. We designed a Likert-type online questionnaire to measure the frequency of teaching activities. It was answered by 1403 primary and secondary education teachers in Spain. The proposed activities varied depending on the learning promoted (reproductive or constructive), the learning outcomes (verbal, procedural, or attitudinal), the type of assessment to which the activities were directed, and the presence of cooperative activities. The main result of this study was that teachers used reproductive activities more frequently than constructive ones. We also found that most activities were those favoring verbal and attitudinal learning. The cooperative activities were the least frequent. Finally, through a cluster analysis, we identified four teaching profiles depending on the frequency and type of digital technologies use: Passive, Active, Reproductive, and Interpretative. The variable that produced the most consistent differences was previous digital technologies use These results show that ICT uses are reproductive rather than constructive, which impedes effective digital technologies integration into the curriculum so that students acquire 21st-century competencies



当学校由于COVID-19而关闭时,老师们不得不在网上教书。本文旨在分析这段时间通过数字技术开展的活动以及它们所反映的教与学的概念。我们设计了一个Likert型在线问卷来衡量教学活动的频率。西班牙的1403名中小学教师回答了这一问题。拟议的活动根据所促进的学习(生殖或建设性),学习成果(语言,程序或态度),活动所针对的评估类型以及是否存在合作活动而有所不同。这项研究的主要结果是,与建设性活动相比,教师更频繁地使用生殖活动。我们还发现,大多数活动是那些偏爱言语和态度学习的活动。合作活动最少。最后,通过聚类分析,我们根据数字技术使用的频率和类型确定了四种教学模式:被动,主动,生殖和解释性。产生最一致差异的变量是先前使用数字技术的结果。这些结果表明,ICT的使用具有生殖性,而不是建设性的,这阻碍了将数字技术有效地整合到课程中,从而使学生获得21世纪的能力 生殖和解释。产生最一致差异的变量是先前使用数字技术的结果。这些结果表明,ICT的使用具有生殖性,而不是建设性的,这阻碍了将数字技术有效地整合到课程中,从而使学生获得21世纪的能力 生殖和解释。产生最一致差异的变量是先前使用数字技术的结果。这些结果表明,ICT的使用具有生殖性,而不是建设性的,这阻碍了将数字技术有效地整合到课程中,从而使学生获得21世纪的能力